
I sent my passport to get pages added, but it's still not back. I need it asap!! What can I do??

by  |  earlier

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I am moving to China on July 15th, and already have my plane ticket. I must have my passport back now, even if the pages are not added. Is there anywhere I can call to get it back now?? I'm desperate! By the way, I called the National Passport center, but I either cannot get through, or they just said they can't help me.




  1. I saw on the news this evening that they are really backed up. People have had to cancel their trips. I don't know what you can do, but I wanted to wish you good luck. I hope you get it back in time!

  2. you might check with the agent where you originally applied - they have a private phone and e-mail to the center - they might be able to put a push on your application. be sure to let them know that you tried contacting the center without success. as a last resort, try your senator or representative's office - good luck.

  3. how long has it been since you sent out your application? mines processing right now and will take 3 months..has yours been over 3 months? but you can get it expedited, you'll just have to pay more

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