
I sent my resume to the casting director of Camp Rock 2. I have pretty much no experience. DO you think.....?

by  |  earlier

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she might still higher me as an extra or something?




  1. If the director calls you back do the audition BUT, Take acting dance and voice so you can walk into the audition confident and w/ expireince

  2. I think she might, if she likes your look. Cause what do they have to lose? If you're good, then great, if not, then NEXT...But I'm sending mine in tomorrow for Camp Rock 2, and hopefully they email me to call me in...

    Good luck, and message me if you get an audition!


  3. I'll be the first one to wish you all the best to get this audition, but I can also tell you that going after one agent or casting director at a time in a market that is over saturated with people just like you who have no experience who want to be on Camp Rock or HSM or other Disney programs.

    So start from the beginning. You will want to work hard to distinguish yourself from the rest of the thousands! Even if you have no experience, you should at least have some training on your résumé. That will show that you are serious about becoming an actress. You need that and a lot of other things to really get your career started.

    Have a look at this page on my site for new and aspiring actors. On it you will find links to 23 different pages that have to do with different aspects of starting an acting career including how to get your acting career started, why acting classes are important, how to choose an acting school, why you need an agent, how to get an agent and 17 ways to get acting work.

    Also, think about this. If you really want to get into Disney one day, you could take an alternate route by maybe trying to get other acting work first and THEN going to Disney with some experience under your belt.

    Good luck!



  5. if thye like the pic they will call you for an auditions

    and with lil experience and no agent they will only call if you have a reall really reall good pic and look for a role!

    andf you will have to go through 3-4 auditions before getting choosen and extras will be choosen in canada

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