
I sent the worst thing!!!?

by  |  earlier

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last month it was my aunty's birthday. as my aunty lives in california, i was thinking for a good b'day present. as i did, i got the great gift. but 1 of my mice, called ron, sneaked into the present. later that day i went to the post office and packaged it up and sent it to the states. a couple of weeks later, she calls me up and abuses me, and tells me i sent her a dead mouse!?

What shuld i do, i cant talk to my aunt, she hates me! help me out!




  1. Oooh...your in deep sh*t

  2. that was one situation where fast thinking could have saved you.  i don't know how you responded during her initial call.  i would have acted totally freaked out as well just in total denial of everything.

    it's really strange though that you didn't realize that there was something alive in the box that you sent. i would imagine that your mice would have been scared silly in that box since you went to the post on the same day it went in.

  3. Lock your doors and don't go out in exactly 8 years, or your aunty will kill you coldblooded.

  4. lol!!! she will get over it, and you two will laughing about this in the future!

  5. Wow that's awkward.

    What did you send her for a gift? Maybe you need to send a replacement if the rat ate it

    Maybe you should ask Miss Manners (on MSN)

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