
I seriously cant stand my mom right now . i want to know ur opinion about this

by Guest67058  |  earlier

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i wanted to go to the movies with my friend, but my mom is not letting me go. i asked her why and she said because she has a bf(my friend). i had told my mom that she is not with him anymore




  1. wow... i would talk to her about it... srry if im not help :\ but that is all i can think about doing..

  2. Let her know that kids at your school are all experimenting with bf/gfs, but it's not serious, it's just a fake look-at-me relationship, so it's nothing to worry about. They broke up, she's not influencing you, & he won't be there. Tell her you don't have one and YOU are her child, so she doesn't have to worry about her. If anything, tell her that you will bring another friend too so it's not just you two. & You'll call your mom before and after the movie and tell her where you are -- she doesn't have to worry about you being with a boy if that's what it's about. Talk to her!

  3. Maybe you aren't telling the whole story here ,,,, What have you done in the past that might have shaken her trust in you and if she can't trust you then what makes you think she can believe you either ?,,,,  Mother's just don't do things with out a reason ,,,, What's her reason for not letting you do what ever it is you want to do ?,,,,  //

  4. OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!111!!!!

    My mom did this to me once, she wouldn't let me go to my friend's house 'cause she heard that my friend had a boy over!! I was like.. omg, thats so not fair!

    ROFL. I can't believe I actually typed that. Read your question and the dribble I typed and tell me if you still believe that you are right. Grow up. Oh no, your mother won't let you go somewhere and you don't like it. Too bad.

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