
I set up an eBay account for my ex-boss and now he won't pay the fees. Am I liable?

by  |  earlier

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Like I said, I set up an eBay account/Store Front for my last employer. I stupidly used my Drivers License number because he wasn't around. I quit - the company went under - he sold all the equipment, shut down the company and now eBay is hassling me for the fees he ran up. (About $1,000)

If I took him to small claims court for the fees, could I argue I was – at the time - acting as his agent and under duress? (He was going to fire me if I didn’t get it done that day.)

Thanks for your help.




  1. Well, you can try your luck explaining the circumstances to ebay, giving your ex boss' information to them, but you're most likely going to have to take him to small claims to get your money if he isn't going to budge.  Sorry!!! :(

  2. Obviously, since eBay is hassling you, the account is in your name.

    Do you have a contract in writing that explains what you were doing on eBay for our employer?  If not, you're on the hook.

    You can try taking the employer to court, sure.  Talk to a lawyer.

    For future reference, when an employer tells you to do something today or you're fired, the correct response is, "Can I get you a spoon, sir?"

    When he asks what the spoon is for, you respond, "So you can eat my âss!"  Then you quit.

  3. Ouch. Bad situation. I believe in order to invalidate an agreement like this you'd have to prove extreme duress, such as "holding a gun to you"

    If it's in his name, and you were only acting as an AUTHORIZED AGENT for him or the company, then you aren't liable. No more than if you legally, through the course of normal business, signed a company check to a vendor that's the company who's liable.

    But if the account's in your name, I'm afraid you're going to have to go after the guy...and show where the charges came from his activities, not yours. Good luck with this. What a rotten thing for him to do to you.

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