
I shank with my driver. I think teeing it up somehow made my body reacted differently. Help please?

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I broke 2 clubs as a results (driver & 3 wood; teed them up both times)I don't have shanking problem with irons, nor woods when I hit the ball on the ground.




  1. It is impossible to shank with a driver, b/c the hosel is set back from the face.

    A common problem is that when you tee the ball high, but place the club on the groun, with the ball above the middle of the club, you are actually about 1" closer than you think.  (Lift your club at address to check this out).

    Also, if you are overswinging, it will cause you to "get on your toes" which will also make you hit it closer to the heel.

  2. sounds to me like you are hooking it a little.try altering your stance so that you left heel is in line with the ball ans make sure you are a comfy distance away from the ball.usually if you stand with you arms raised and then lower them and also bend from the waist at the same time should help,also keep your back straight as you do this and you should get the perfect distance away from the ball at address.this should let you swing through the ball rather than down over it.

  3. Is this a new driver?

    Technical tips to try are:


    Not a contributing factor.


    You might be set up too close to the ball, or be too tall in your setup, or you might have too much weight on your heels.

    Ball Position

    Having the ball too far forward or back in your stance should not be a factor. But as mentioned, standing too close can be.


    Watch out for pushing the arms and club away from you in the backswing. The arms should just go with the turn of the shoulders. Also, leaning toward the ball or toward the target with your head can cause a shank.


    Watch out for pushing your arms away from you in the downswing. Leaning toward the ball (dropping down) or toward the target with your head can also cause a shank.

    That said i think the Driver (just the putter) is the most daunting club in the bad due to the waywardness of any error. If you never shank a 3 wood then is this a mental block.

    I suggest training ground, basic set up and just hit balls. Relax through all of the swing as if you where hitting a 6/7 iron. Dont try knock it out the park (not just yet anyway. lol)

    There are enough ebsites on golf to look at if you feel it is a technical issue.

    Good luck

  4. You should position the ball with the edge of your heel (left if you're a righty and right if you're a lefty). Swing with the same feel as you normally do. Treat it like an iron shot - don't think, just swing.

  5. Teeing up is usually a mental thing. Most people tend to over swing, which causes shanking. Trying slowing the club down and not trying to kill it. If that isn't the problem, then I am not sure

  6. When swinging concentrate on the club head.  You must mentally visualise its position throughout the swing.

  7. Ever consider tennis?

  8. this is a problem that's really simple to fix.  the cause of you shanking is because you want to "kill" the ball and when you do that, you will tend to over-extend and reach for the ball.  The trick is to tee-up the ball. stand behind the ball and take couple RELAXED practice swings.. keep the feeling of the practice swings and walk up to the ball and just repeat.

  9. It is almost impossible to shank wth a driver because of the shape of the head and I suspect you have had an almighty "push" like I occasionally have. Slow your backswing and try to think that you are hitting your favourite iron with a nice rhythm. Let me know if it works.

  10. try dancing or tennis these are ways of developing golf muscles you could heal toe heal toe your way around the course for a bit of good driving tips go and see your local pro which course is it this can also . PRACTISE MAKES PERFECT Proper set up: Set up the swing properly. Driving should be done, using a wood or a driving iron due to their length. The length gives you two distinct advantages - you can increase the distance of your stance from the ball and you can spread your feet wider to get a better balance and weight transfer. This will enable you to get a short and wide swing giving you control and power in the right proportions Understand the sequence of motion  Let the power build then release at impact Swing within yourself so you maintain balance Imagine the ball in the middle of the fairway yeah if you do this you will lower quickly

  11. if you can't feel the weight of the club head when you swing then you're over swinging.  The club head should do the work.  There should be a lag in your swing so that you can actually feel the weight of the club head moving.

  12. Ok its impossible to shank with your driver it has no hosel. If you it it dead on the heel and break the shaft then maybe you shouldn't play golf!

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