
I ship in two weeks for the army, but I may have accidentally done marijuana recently...?

by  |  earlier

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I was at my friend's going away party on Sunday (he shipped for the army this morning), and went home with one of his friends. He had a hooka, which I've done before with just tobacco, but I was so drunk when I took a hit, I don't remember what it was that I inhaled. And I just remembered I even did that. I'm afraid it might have had marijuana in it.

I ship for the army in two weeks. I already did a urinalysis at MEPS the first time, but do I need to worry about another test? If so, is there anything I can do to help the test show negative? Or am I just screwed? Thanks.




  1. you WILL have to take another drug test when you leave for boot....  go to the recruiter and get one of those self test (they have them, trust me!) and test yourself.  If pos tell the recruiter to delay the date, if neg, just drink lots of water...  1gal/ day.....

    U will be fine in 2 weeks if that pos test says neg... you may even be fine if it goes pos and u drinks lots of water... but dont chance it if it does pop pos...  just to much riding on it.  I have seen ppl test neg and they smoked 3 days prior... just have to drink lots of water.  If you dont like drinking water add a little crystal light to the gal and go to town.

  2. accidently? lol, you're F*cked if you "accidently" smoke again. youre goign to keep getting tested. too bad people who "accidently" smoke drugs can get in the army. i do not want to be fighting beside of you

  3. you don't just accidentally hit marijuana. hooka or no hooka, that stuff is OFF LIMITS. I hope this is a lesson for you...

  4. Enzymes related to THC remain in your system for as long as thirty days. Nobody "accidentally' gets stoned. You are screwed, inspite of what anybody else has told. I hate to be mean to a guy in such a jam, but where was your head, dude?

    Recruiters play a numbers game. If you are otherwise a good prospect, the recruiter won't want to ditch you. Get to the recruiter and get a new ship date. It us tough to do, but it can be done.

    And if it all works out, use your head in the future.  

  5. Accidentally!!!  Ha Ha Ha!!! I have some McDonald's applications for you.  Someone has to be the one to shovel the $hit in this world.  Being drunk is never an excuse.  It only shows that you are irresponsible.  So is it okay to sell national secrets if you are drunk?  Is it okay to rape a woman if you don't remember doing it?  Is it okay to be drunk on duty and accidentally kill someone?  Remember it is just an accident.

  6. yea i would because i got retested for drugs the day i shipped, i also got tested when i got to my basic training so i would worry

  7. How do you "accidentally" take marijuana?

  8. Just wanted to say the first poster (EMT) is right. You have a lot of time to detox (flush) your system. Follow exactly what she stated above. Water, Tea, Sweat.

    Stay away from poppy seeds and other drugs!

    You can buy Self Tests in Drug Stores.

    They have detox pills you can buy, but I don't suggest them, they can be harsh on the system and your don't need that before you ship out!

    You will more than likely be tested once or twice (before you head out and at basic).

  9. Two weeks is enough time to flush your system.

    Technically it can be done in 48 hours.

    To Detox:

    - Drink Tones Of Water

    - Drink Tea (green tea works great)

    - Sweat A lot (sauna, hard work out ect)


  10. Hooka.


    Ha ha ha hee hee.

  11. Talk to your recruiter. Also, buy a home drug test. Those aren't as accurate as the ones at MEPS. But if you get a positive result, maybe you should talk to your recruiter about postponing your ship date.

  12. yeah like you had no idea you were smokein pot and i bet you didnt inhale either  

  13. EMT is right on the money . go to your local head shop . they can help you out . good luck and be care full out there  

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