
I shoot digital pics from a boat at sea level and need to cut through the haze...what's the best filter?

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I shoot digital pics from a boat at sea level and need to cut through the haze...what's the best filter?




  1. polarized filter

  2. Are you shooting from the boat at distant subjects?  A polarizing filter can be of some help, but you lose about one and a half stops.

    Were are you finding all the "haze"?

    Two hurricane seasons ago I sailed over 1600 miles in the Caribbean and shot over 10,000 images ... there wasn't any haze.  My thought is that your problems has to do with the latitude where you are shooting or the length of the lens.  The longer the lens, the more any atmospheric density will be amplified.

    I took a long lens with me on the trip and only used it a few times.  About 20% of the time I used a 12-24 mm lens for under sail shots and 24-85 mm for the rest of them ... those lenses showed no haze.

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