
I shop at a store called Plato's closet. Is that okay?

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I am a lower middle class girl. I have an Ipod,computer,cellphone etc.

I also love designer clothes,but my parents can't afford these clothes. So i shop at Plato's Closet. All my friends think that i shop at stores like Abercrombie and Hollister, but I really don't. My question is should I tell them the truth?




  1. why do u have to tell ur friends where u shop?  they shouldnt be asking and you dont need to tell..if you want tell them your mom got it for u and you dont know where she got it or you forgot...tell them u went to so many stores you cant remember

  2. They don't have to know. You're smart for going there!

  3. Pfff, and this is why i hate fake people. Jeezus. You should be ashamed..

  4. yeah! maybe they are the same way! i LOVE platos closet its a great way to make money, or get great clothes!

    im sure they will still love you for who you are!

  5. they don't need to know where you shop. it's none of their business. if they ask just tell them hollister/abercrombie or whatever. although, there's no reason to me ashamed of shopping there. i'm middle class too i just can't afford to buy ALL of my wardrobe at those stores. i've actually never been to plato's closet but i'm going there for school clothes this year! don't be ashamed. they shouldn't care where you shop anyways, as long as you're in style why should it matter to them? plato's closet is VERY picky and will only take all of the up to date styles of clothes no matter where it's from. so yeah, in my opinion it seems like a great place to shop from what i hear!

  6. I don't see why they shouldn't know.  If your friendship is based on where you shop, you need to shop for some new friends.  I think it's great to save money!  

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