
I shopped at Wal Mart the other day, does that make me white trash?

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It was my first time, I was at the beach and I desperately needed sunscreen. Does that make me a trashy person like most people that shop at Wal Mart?




  1. With the economy going down the toilet more and more people will be going to Wal Mart...... It'll be the only place anybody can afford!

  2. Wal-Mart has a reputation as being cheap and I guess cheap means white trash.  But last I knew just about everyone except the eternally retarded are looking for deals.

    I don't know why people are so obsessed with class in this country, but it really needs to stop.  Good people come from all walks of life and income levels as well as bad people.

    I find people obsessed with class issues really artificial and boring. I'd suggest focusing on more important things -- and go ahead, buy your tampons at Wal-Mart, everyone else does!

    Oh and Wal-Mart gets their prices by not buying inventory, but by having the manufacturer or merchandiser basically pay a share to Wal Mart for every item sold.  Wal-Mart also has a bad reputation of over working and under paying their employees, which no one should support, but not buying there isn't help the employees either!

  3. Okay, WOAH. People who shop at Wal-Mart are definitely not trashy people. They have everything there, and have decent prices. It is also the anchor for many plazas. Where did you get the idea that people who shop there are trashy?

  4. no...I went to wall mart yesterday for the first time, and bought some wicked makeup, so no way!

    but I agree, loads of the people who shop there are old, fat, and trashy hehe.

  5. LOL!  

    Walmart has ALL kinds of customers,   looking for bargains and a way to save their money in this hard times we're living in.

  6. Hi,

    I live in England and Walmart have bought out a large retail chain called Asda.

    Since the take over the standards and quality of produce has dropped dramatically. I still shop there for certain items but the original Asda brands have been changed and the quality is not worth even the pittance they are asking for it.

    I don't mind being called names but non value for money is something else.

    x x x

  7. This is how stereotypes are formed. Where did you get the idea in the first place that only trashy people shop at Wal Mart. I was there this afternoon and I hold a post graduate degree and have taught over 30 years.The last word you would use to describe me is trashy. You need to grow up a little and see the world as it really is.

  8. o.0 Are. you. kidding me? Seriously you need more brain cells. Why would a person say, assume, or believe such a thing?

    Wal Mart is a store that sells name brand items for lesser money due to the branch of how they can legally lower prices to high name products.

    Since when does shopping somewhere make someone trashy? Read a dictionary and learn how to use some words. If anything shopping at Wal Mart is for people who are shopping wisely to save money and cut costs of over priced items.

  9. No, but it might indicate that you're socially unconscious.  I agree with other posters - it's getting more difficult to stretch a dollar, and Walmart often has the lowest prices in town... but at what cost?  

    1) Walmart refuses to allow workers to unionize.

    Wal-Mart is waging a systematic campaign of intimidation and coercion across the country to deny workers a voice on the job. The NLRB—an independent government agency—has issued complaints against the retailer in 25 states for illegal firings, threats, intimidation and coercion.

    2) Walmart discriminates against women.

    Despite making up 72 percent of the Wal-Mart’s hourly workforce, women only account for 33% of managers and 15% of store managers.  Instead of being able to move up the ranks, women are concentrated and stuck in the lowest paying jobs—comprising 92% of cashiers and 76% of sales associates.

    3) Walmart profits on the labor of workers overseas, many of whom are children:

    85 percent of the stores' items are made overseas, often in Third World sweatshops.  

    4) The Waltons maintain an evil empire of greed

    Rob Walton, with a personal wealth of $18.3 billion was still in the top 10 richest people on the globe. Wal-Mart is a company which has perhaps the greatest range in incomes from the top to the bottom of any company in America. To look at Rob Walton's wealth from a worker's perspective, the average Wal-Mart worker earning $9.68 an hour and working 34 hours a week, would have to work 1,065,193 years to earn what Rob Walton has in the bank.

    If each of the Waltons gave up merely 10% of their wealth, they could create a $10 billion employee fund from which to raise the salaries of Wal-Mart workers without raising the prices of their products.

  10. haha ha hahahaha ha...;-)

    I always wear my flip flops when I shirt, no shoes, no service!


  11. I'm really curious to find out where people buy their regular household items.  If I didn't go to Wal-Mart for all my things, I'd be going to the clothing store and buying $50 overpriced jeans, go to Petco and buy overpriced dog food, go to Home Depot to buy overpriced household parts to fix a broken toilet...  

    I don't even know where I'd buy my toiletries.  The grocery store?  Where I pay a dollar or two more for a simple tube of toothpaste?  The grocery store already rips me off... telling me I'm saving money with those stupid Discount cards.  Riiight.  Not giving them more money on top of that.

    I don't waste my time and money going around town to hop from store to store to avoid "trashy Wal-Mart."

  12. Walmart is an okay place to shop.

    It only makes you white trash if you go there at 3 in the morning with the intention of buying fireworks and alcohol.

  13. OMG...I'm speechless. Most people who shop at Wal-Mart are not trashy. At times I have seen some white trash in there, I'll give you that. BUT, saving money is important with the economy we have, so I guess it makes them smart white trash.

  14. lmao! no way! everyone shop at Wal Mart....even rich people....dont ever discrimanate aganist any race....and i dont think that white trash shop at wal mart....does the sunscreen people only make sunscreen for white trash?

  15. If you think in that manner about ppl. who shop at places like Wall Mart then you were white trash before you went there as well with others thinking in like manner.I presume you are kidding and trying to get a rise out of us.

  16. If it was only one time ,and an emergency you might still be okay,as long as nobody that you know saw you.

  17. Not at all.

    It's interesting how some (the "socially aware" crowd) describe Wal-Mart as the "Evil Corporation", but think nothing of shopping at Target or any number of chain retail stores at the mall with essentially the same business ethics as Wal-Mart.

  18. I'll keep it simple, NO!

  19.'re trash.

  20. Yep. Definitely.

  21. How sad that you are judging people based on the places they shop... I do not enjoy shopping at Walmart because I find it to be very crowded, but I do it because the prices are so much better than most other stores. So, I am saving money which is better for my family. Have a nice evening.

  22. it makes ya pimp

  23. No! Are you a stuck up rich kid or something?

  24. i'm sorry, but your question is more trashy then shopping at walmart could ever be.......

  25. wheere I live you have a choise of 3 places or drive 45 mins to a mall so no you are not whits trash.  If that was the case we all would be considered white trash.

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