
I should be getting my license when I'm 16 but insurance costs too much. ?

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My parents said they can't afford to add me to their insurance so I'll probably have my learners permit until it expires. How long can I have a learners permit (btw I live in NC)? Also can I have my permit after 18 without being covered? They also have bad credit so I'm sure they already pay too much. I've heard that good grades can lower the cost and I made straight A's last year and I'm in honors classes if that would help. But can I be added to my uncle's or Maw Maw's insurance or do I have to be on my parents insurance. I want to be in DECA but that's after school and they're aren't any buses after school so they expect u to be able to drive or get a ride with someone. I live in the middle of nowhere and most of my friends live 20 miles away so I guess I can't do that. So what should I do?




  1. Unfortunately for your parents, they are responsible for whatever damage may occur when you are driving thier vehicles, so I understand why the don't want you to get your drivers license.

    My daughter totalled the car she was driving. So, we lost a car, I had to buy another car, and my insurance rates went up. Talk about being unfair!!

    There is no easy answer for you or for them. You can ride a bicycle to get around. Or you can take public transportation if it is available.

    If your uncle puts you on his insurance policy, it covers his vehicles if youare driving them, and he takes the hit if you get in an accident.

    I can imagine how important driving is to you. Maybe if you can demonstrate to your parents that there is NO chance that you will get is any accidents and you are willing to pay for any increase in their insurance rates, they will change their minds.

  2. if your state is like mine, they'll add you to the policy anyway when you turn 16, license or not, long as you're a member of the household.  You can be on another relative's policy if you move in with 'em.

    seriously, check with the agent.

  3. good grades can split the cost in half, well it did for me.

    you can have a permit for a year, an then retake the test

    after that to renew it.

    its just really easier to just get your license, even if you wont drive.

    i had the same problem for a little while, then my mom found out about

    showing my grades to the insurance people, and now there's no problem.


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