
I should probably give up my Australian Citizenship with what I just said?

by Guest58328  |  earlier

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'Is Carlton and Geelong footy team the same thing?'

My 11 year old sister will not stop laughing :| lol

Are they the same thing??? lol? I am ever more confused than what I was before




  1. It's OK to get Melbourne teams mixed up as it's neither here nor there. Melbourne supporters follow another Melbourne side if their team is going no good, or gets knocked out in the finals.

    Whereas, if you said the same comment about the Adelaide Crows & Port Power you would have been crucified, & rightly so!

  2. um no

    Geelong will never be in the same class as the mighty blues

    premiership or not

  3. They are not the same team.. but for that you need not give up your citizenship... lol..these things happen


  4. i'm with Romper on this one, is this real? oh well 2 points to me. no they are not the same, there, i have answered it LOL.

    any one seen a blue cat, i lost it down the street.

  5. Hehe I don't have a clue either.... hadn't even heard of them before this question!

    Don't worry, I had 2 ask what sport State of Origin was....

  6. Your 11 year old sister can't stop laughing???

    What age are you..........4?.........5?

    Don't worry about it. You are in fact a female & most female AFL fans don't know one team from another!!!

  7. LOL.. I am laughing at the great replies people have given you ...

    (sorry but i can't help it)

    Geelong is a Good Team

    and carlton.. is a YUCKY HORRIBLE GRUESOME TEAM ..

    (sorry all the blues supporters out there .. BUT it's the truth and I am NOT even a Cat's supporter!!!!!)

  8. GET OUT!!!!!

    lol jj thats pretty funny

    well they are from close enough

  9. *blushes at your question*

    Ahhhh no, they are definately not the same team...thats hilarious!!

    Carlton are at the bottom of the ladder and Geelong (who are located on the opposite side of Melbourne) won the Premiership this year!

    You might wanna hang around this category more often so you get an idea..hehehe

  10. As long as you dont get Collingwood mixed up with those other loser Melbourne clubs I dont care what you do or say.

  11. No, Geelong is on the top of the ladder after the current season close and Carlton are 2nd last.

  12. Don't say that. lol.

  13. Why even post such a question, open a news paper, nah, can't go on, this is a joke question.

    if not, you're american and dont know any thing that is happening outside the good ol US of A.

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz good night.

  14. Carlton is an inner suburb of Melbourne and their jumper is predominantly blue with the letters CFC entwined in the middle of the jumper in white.

    Geelong is a city along the shores of Corio bay about 100km from Melbourne on the Ballerine peninsula, they wear dark blue and white hoops and are known as the Cats who won this years premiership.

    Hope this helps, cheers.

  15. That is so cute!!! lol

    I suppose I see where your coming from.They do have the same colours...BUT THAT'S IT!!!!  hehehe

    No they are definitely not the same team.

    Hang out here and you will learn heaps about Footy...I have!!!!

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