
I shoved my hamster down the toilet?

by  |  earlier

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I thought he was dead, but i guess he isnt. He clogged the toilet, and my plunger wont get the water up. I dont care much about the panda, but how can i get my toilet from not being clogged?oh panda i meant hamster, i confuse it a lot. But anyways, i think hamster is dead anyways, i heard him squeek. Help




  1. dude if he was alive ur so crule

  2. are you retarted!

  3. wtf r u serious

  4. I am wondering if this is real and also how old you are. Other than that you need a plumber and I would say it is cruel to put a live animal in a toilet.

  5. haha  -    point is :/  

      lovey its Pointless -  lool


  6. just get a shovel and get ur hamster out

    i am very honest

  7. It is a bad idea to dispose of the corpses of terrestrial animals in the toilet.

    Don't dispose of a dead pet until your parents confirm it's dead.

    Ask them for help with the hamster in the toilet.

    Also, if you confuse things, there is a key in the top right of your keyboard that says "backspace". If you can't find it, you might be looking on the left by accident.

    EVERYONE ELSE: Remember this is the preschool category, give the guy a break.

  8. O_o Your wierd

  9. Wow, how strange for this to happen to you.  If you really do have a hamster stuck in the toilet,who is alive, do these two things.  First let a parent know what happened (if you are under a parents care)  Second, try to help the hamster by either stopping its pain (use a plunger to flush the toilet) or by trying to get a plumber out there to save it.  Leaving this hamster stuck is not a choice.  I think you should learn from this.  Bury your pets in your yard instead of flushing them in the toilet. Perhaps wait longer before you decide your pet is dead.  If this isn't a bad joke...........I am sorry this happened to you, this must be very difficult.  I have never said this before " have a heart for the hamster!!"  Good Luck!!!!

  10. Thats' pretty sad.

  11. good grief - why would you put a hamster down the toilet -I think you just learned an expensive lesson. Call a plumber and be ready to be ridiculed.

  12. Normally, when one of our hamsters died, I would wrap it up in a paper towel, and put it in the garbage. Sounds sad, or if you really loved it, you can bury it. Or you can bring it to a vet's office and ask them to take care of it with the other animals that have passed.

    Next time, you really should wait until its dead, and really make sure its dead. Gosh ...

    You should call a plumber. Egh ..

  13. Someone needs their crazy pills.

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