
I shut my big toe in a door...?

by  |  earlier

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i shut my big toe in a barn door today and i'm not sure if i broke it :(. it bled a lot earlier and it hurts to move/bend it. my toe was the only thing that hurt at first but now the pain has crept up my entire foot. i can't even walk on it so i am basically hobbling around on one foot. does my whole foot hurt just because of my toe or could my foot be injured as well?

thanks :)!




  1. hope u have been to the doctors...

    the pain could be due to the blood circulation, trying to clear out all the  dead blood, or u could have sprained your toe and ankle ?

    what colour is your toe and foot ?

    if your foot and toe has stopped swelling, apply heat to it and keep it warm to improve blood circulation so it heals quicker !!

  2. you should go to the doctor, because if you first hurt your toe and now your whole foot is hurting something is wrong, u might have a fractured toe.

  3. doctor, x-ray and lots of ice    agreed

    add to that rinse in saline (salted water) to rinse out some nasties. I presume you disinfected it? (barn doors are notoriously clean after all)

    elevate it

    and enjoy some healing time with your foot up on something. after you get back from doctor's of course. :)

  4. So what were you doing up in the hay loft then?

  5. ouch :[

  6. its probably broken

    go to the hospital

  7. It is quite possible you could have broken your toe and the pain is radiating up into your foot. Or you could have some soft tissue damage in your foot. It is best to get it x-rayed if possible.

  8. id go get it checked out by a doctor and also dont be worry but its possable your toenail may come off

  9. you'll be fine.. put some ice on it and keep your foot flat against the floor, if it still hurts more than about 30 mins you might wanna call the doc

  10. Firstly put some ice on it for a bit then bandage it so it doesnt get infected or something. Then go to your doctors as soon as possible for an xray then you can find out if you have or haven't.

    Hope it gets better hun :) x

  11. u probably shouldnt of put it off for that long.

    if the pain crept up to ur foot already u should see a doctor.

    im sure its not THAT serious though. u might of sprained or broke ur

    toe though.

  12. why would you do such a thing?

    Ice it

  13. i would go to doc to get xray of foot, might be fractured toe or more. if all else fails, ill come over and kiss it better  

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