
I signed a lease and the next day told the apartment to void or cancel,they said no.What can i do?

by  |  earlier

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I applied to the apartment, they notified me that they had recieved it. Then the next day I sent in my lease..i was never notified that they had recieved it..the next day I sent an email asking if they could put a hold on processing my stuff...they said I was already in the system and couldnt get it canceled. This all took place in three days, there is no way they could have processed my application and lease in that time. I am getting a letter notorized stating all of this and am signing as well as my mother and faxing it. I am also going to contact a lawyer and have them call to make sure th property has recieved the letter. what else can I do?




  1. You signed the lease. You are legally obligated to fulfill the terms of it.

    The landlord has no obligation to cancel it regardless of whatever letter your write or what attorney you contact.

    It is possible to process an application within 3 days. I've processed most of my applications within 24 hours.

  2. Once you signed the lease you become legally responsible for it's terms....there is no "cancellation" period on rental leases unless it's specifically noted in the lease itself.

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