
I signed a lease but never paid any money or moved in. do i still have to pay, landlord wants to sue.?

by  |  earlier

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i had a verbal agreement to pay six months rent up front however money i was expecting to come thru never did. we were going to buy the house however the landlord asked for $3000 earnest money so we backed out. now she says we owe her $3000 for one months rent and deposit.




  1. You can be sued for execution of the lease that you signed.  It is a contract and you are liable for its performance.  The verbal agreement is void since in almost all cases, verbal agreements pertaining to real estate are not valid.

  2. Never count your chickens before they are hatched.

  3. tell your landlord to go ahead and sue. if its not a bluff it might cost your landlord more then it is worth. also I think if he has rented it out again he would be breaking the lease agreement anyway so you would be off the hook.

    good luck

  4. If you signed a lease, you're bound by the terms of that lease.

    If that lease says you would pay rent, you owe the rent. It's pretty hard to go to court and say you didn't agree to something you signed.

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