
I signed adoption papers on my child when I was sick Does anyone have the answer to getting him back and how?

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postpartum depression and was on medication ZOLOFT to be exact. and the state of Virginia was threatening to take my other children and I was not going to let that happen and I still see my son but he wants to come home.. and I told him I would try my best he is 10




  1. How long ago was this? There is a clause somewhere that the mother has 2 weeks or so to change her mind. It will be a long, strenuos legal battle though. You are best off to talk with a lawyer, many will give you a free consulation and tell you what the chances are and give you a price quote.

    Always keep in mind suggesting an open adoption to the adoptive family. I was adopted and it was WONDERFUL to grow up in my adoptive family while knowing my birth mother and her family, and we are all good friends now. My birth mother was sick and had some drug problems; she made the right choice to give me up and it was better for all of us and worked out in the end.

  2. m sure u still sick poooooooooooooooooor

  3. Sick with what? Are you talking about a cold or more like mental issues sick? But contact a lawyer who know about this stuff and they will direct you in the right direction

  4. you should contact a lawyer but since its been so long I don't think there will be much of a chance .. but you can try.  good luck

  5. It depends on what condition you were in when you signed the papers.  If a court/judge decided that you were not stable enough to fully realize the implications in signing the adoption papers at the time you signed them, then you would have a legal argument that consent was not really given.  Because if you are not stable or in sound mind, you cannot legally give consent for adoption.  On the otherhand, if the process was adequeately explained to you at the time, and you were considered stable, then you have no case.

  6. I am sure love your child very much but think Frist before you do anything   if your child has bonded with  the parents  it could do more harm than good   I was a foster parent and saw  what attchments disorder did to children  when the child is taken away from the home they know     as for getting your child back it would depend on your the laws in your state  each state has a time limted as to when you can get your child back  alabama i think is 72 hours  others states are weeks good luck

  7. Don't go looking for your child.  Leave him and his family alone so that they can live a "normal" life.  If you are truely well now and want a baby that badly, have another child.

  8. Was the postpartum after the birth of this son or a younger child? Was he older when you gave him up? How long has he been in his new family?

    It's hard to know what to tell you with only the information that you've given.

  9. Leave him alone. He is trying to live a normal life with the family that opened up to him.

  10. Check with your lawyer. What kind of sickness are we talking about?

  11. In most states, once parental termination papers are signed, they are irrevocable after a certain amount of time.  If the adoption has been finalized, it is my understanding that the court has approved all of the legal documentation necessary and has granted all rights to the adoptive parents.  If this has occurred, I sincerely doubt that you will be able to fight it.  However, if you feel that you were truly wronged or that you were not in a capable mind to sign the papers, I would contact an attorney to discuss your options.

    All of that being said, you also have to take into consideration your child's current life and the life of the family he is now a part of.  Your child's best interest should be at the heart of your decision before you have any discussions with an attorney.  If you feel that he is better off where he currently is, then I would continue the communications you currently have with him, but forego the legal actions.  

    Good luck to you whatever you choose.

  12. A. How long ago did you sign the relinquishment papers?

    B. Has the adoption been finalized?

    C. What state are you in?

    D. Define "sick"? Clinically depressed or the flu? The type of illness will determine if you have a basis to contest.

    Most likely, if the revocation period has passed and/or the adoption finalized, you'll need an attorney to file a contestation citing one of the legally allowable reasons in your state.

    Even so, there are no guarantees, and the longer the child has been with the adoptive parents, the more likely a judge will find removal not in the child's best interests.

  13. OK, so you love your son more than anything, right?  And you want him to have the kind of life you never had, right?

    Trust your instincts.  You made the decision, whether by signing a paper, or through your behavior, to have him placed for adoption.  I trust that a mother knows what she is doing when she takes such a big step.

    Now, the BEST thing you, as his mother, can do now?  Make him feel confident about the decision you made FOR him.  Don't make it like he was taken from you -- that is not what happened.  And lies will mess him up for many years.  Let him know that YOU want him to stay where he is because it is the best thing for him.  Help him feel your certainty.  Help him by talking positively about where he is, who he is with.  Support them as parents.  Help him feel proud that two Mom love him!  Help him understand that you loved him and they love him.  But that they are in a better place to take care of him the way YOU want him to be taken care of!

    If you REALLY want the very best for your son, give him this gift.  Give him a chance at a normal, calm, secure life.  The life, that in a quiet, unselfish moment, you had the love and courage to give him.  Don't take that back because you are hurting.  Or even if he is.  It takes immense courage, but its what mothers do.

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