
I signed up for theater and am kinda not look forward to it.

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I'm gonna be a freshman. Not very confident about performing in front of crowds. What do you do in this class? It's theater 1. Is it worth it?




  1. I felt the same way you did when I was in my first play as a freshman.  It was the best thing I ever did. Try it! The worst thing that happens is you never do another show again. It will help you learn to be comfortable speaking in front of a large group of people and teach teamwork and responsibility. Or, you'll do what I did and love it so much that you'll go on to major in theatre in college.

    You never know til you try!

  2. At first, I was so scared to preform in front of crowds (let alone my parents!), but now its so easy. Just try it to see if you like it, but if you're not feeling it, maybe it's not for you - and that's ok!

    Hope I helped :) Good luck!

  3. You can expect to study things like marks, staging, and possibly even what the MacMrurray Method is.  You'll learn more about what goes on back stage than you'r probably expecting.

  4. Yep, completely worth it.

    Being with people, being generous, being self expressed, being expressed in an environment of is invaluable, priceless, and the world needs more of it nowdays.

    Be courageous, you won't regret it...promise.

  5. Absolutely worth it. Even if you don't care for theatre, it will still teach you good communication skills  to speak in front of crowds, introduce yourself to someone who is interviewing you, etc. And about the confidence issue with doing stuff in front of class, one thing I'd think about is that you'd have to do it. It's a grade.

    Before I took theatre class, I could never have the courage to say "Hi" to anyone, or have eye contact with people when I talk to them. Obviously, I've come a long way from then. Acting has taught me a lot about self-confidence big time.

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