
I signed up for volleyball any advice?

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I signed up for volleyball any advice?




  1. give your body up get help from and impres the coach

  2. Some advice is to always be cheering on the other people and, show that you love the sport. Always try to get the ball even if it means that you fall on your face, it shows that you want to dig that ball up and put it in to play. Also listen to what the coaches are saying and always  try your best!. Another thing to remember it to stay low at all times, I play club volleyball and that is all my coach would say! so that low and keep your spirits up and you should do fine.

  3. Yes! If you are experienced, it'll be pretty easy! If not, then try practicing bumping a ball around, maybe get a net and ball to practice. Practice your setting, cause coaches like good setters. HUSTLE,HUSTLE,HUSTLE! Get after that ball! If it's in your area, it's yours, so if you miss it, then that was your ball you missed.

    Anddd....GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN! Just take a deep breath, maybe do some warming up, and then get out there and smile! Once you are on the team, it'll be fun, and you will have the greatest time!


    p.s. If you ever wanna talk volleyball, just email me=)

  4. Here is some advice:

    1.  Try the ultimate best you can!

    2.  Believe in yourself!

    3.  Be careful!

  5. bring lots of water

    get ready to be sore and sweat alot

  6. its not as easy as it looks. dont give up on it though when its tough. NEVER EVER give up..

    dont be afraid to hit the floor for a ball.

    dont be worried about hitting the ball as hard as you can, keep it under control and in the court and ull have a much better chance at getting better!

    have fun with it! volleyball is one of the best sports out there!

    good luck!

  7. be ready to be exhausted and frustrated and u probly will have more failures than sucess at first but just play hard and listen to good advice

  8. Become a proficient passer. Passing is the most important techinique in volleyball. Also become an overhand server. Overhand is more impressive though start with underhand. Hitting and setting are still important but passing is the most important skill. Become focused and just have fun!!!!!! Do your best!!!!!!

  9. no,,just go and play and have fun,,

  10. practice with your own volleyball at home; have someone throw or hit a ball to you, and see if you can return it in the direction you wnat, or set it in the direction. also practice serving and different kinds of serve, and develop your own playing style.

  11. Standard wear is a tee shirt , shorts of some kind either spandex or sports shorts, long knee socks , volleyball shoes so u don't slip, and of course knee pads so u don't bust up your knee ( believe me i know ). Next come prepared to learn the fundamentals in blocking, passing, setting, spiking ( my fave ) and of course serving ( my fave beat ). last but not least have a great attitude and have fun.

  12. Well... work as hard as you possiably can and even if you don't get the ball over the net don't feel bad it happens to people all the time. Also when you go on your knees to get the ball, make sure you have knee pads or it really hurts!

    Other wise that's about it.... Oh,,,,, always call the ball so you don't run into each other and when ya serve the ball try not to fall on your butt and make the loudest noise in the gym... * it sucks *   ;)

    Well good luck! Volleyball rox! ♣♣

  13. knee pads you will be diving a lot they make cerain shoes for volleyball (not tennis shoes) bring a volleyball of course practice

    do your best have fun and work on your serve spike set bump and over head serve

  14. jus be ready to give it all you've got...woork hard n dont quit.....hit the floor...go for ready to to step up and take the initive....jus bc u havent been on the team b4 or your not the best doesnt mean u cant be a leader....

  15. Have fun!

  16. Hmm.. do not let the stupid people at away games distract you when you are playing. Beat them up after the game. lol, I am just kidding about the second part, but don't let some trash distract you. Second, make sure you shrug you shoulders when bumping the ball, like a teacher just asked you a perplexing question and you do not know the answer. Do not swing your arms or else it will be hard to control where the ball goes. OH! and I have seen some girls get down on their knees and serve in gyms with really low ceilings. If you have a ceiling like that in your district, you may wanna practice that to prevent it from hitting the ceiling and bouncing down on your side. You can ask your coach if the ceilings are low and she/he will probably be able to tell you.

  17. Start running right now, pratice after school and in your free time, and have fun! I love v-ball its soo cool! Good luck

  18. When I first played, I made the mistake of hitting the ball with my wrists. Use your arms to hit the ball. A good drill is to dribble the volleyball against a wall over and over but don't catch it. Good luck!

  19. Have fun and work hard! you will have a blast just remember to be redy to get a workout and be ready to be sore ecspecially if u r not in shape!!

  20. Remember that "Volleyball is life the rest is just details"

    Good luck enjoy and train hard play fair and play to win,loosing sucks but it is neccesary!!!


  21. Get good knee pads and don't be afraid of the florr. BE AGGRESSIVE

  22. practice!!

    run alot!

    wall sits


    Kneee pads!

    hair ties

    thumbs in on sets

    shoes with arches



    have fun!!


  24. Find someone who can teach you all the skills, and when you are sure that you are doing everything right, spend lots of time practicing on your own. You can be as good as you want to be, just put in the time and focus on improving.

  25. Wear something skimpy and jump a lot.

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