
I sike myself out when i mess up in my volleyball game..what do i do??

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any tips?and my hitting is gettin all off too and i cant pass anymore HELP!!




  1. Ok I had te same thing happen to me last year. What I had to do was just relax, take a couple deep breathes.don't get nervous, and remmebr everybody messes up and no one really cares if you mess up.So just have fun!

  2. think about this:

    'your in the gym, and  as your about to serve the volleyball, your school a boy, that you like walks into the room; wouldn't you try harder to be better if someone you like it there? thats what i do.

  3. I know how you feel!!!

    whenever i'm playing and i s***w something up i get all down on myself. But you just can't do that. Think to yourself, "everyone, EVERYONE, on this team has screwed up before. Not JUST me. So they HAVE to understand. And if they don't then they're just CRAZZZZYY!!!" because that's the truth. Pick yourself up and try it again. Maybe lately you're just having a downfall. I take a little break if i were you, unless you're addicted like me. lol

    hope it all works out!!!!


  4. It is not bad to get mad at yourself for making a mistake.  However, you have to get over it.  When I am serving, I will aim a serve at the player on the other side of the net that just made the mistake that gave us the serve.  I want to see if they are still upset about the previous play and will make another mistake on the serve receive.  

    I get very upset when I make a mistake.  I will clap my hands hard, take a deep breath and then take a look at the next server.  I WANT the next ball.  I stare at the server.  I am thinking about how much I want the next ball to be served to me so that I can make a good pass.  I do not think about my previous mistake.  I think about the GOOD pass I am going to make.  Not the BAD play I just made.  Never dwell on the negative.  Dwell on the positive.  

    (On another note, never tell your team mate "do not miss this serve, it is game point."  If it is a tense situation, they usually do not hear the entire sentence.  What do they hear?  Miss this serve.  And what does your team mate do.  Miss this serve.  Tell them something positive.  "Another good serve" or "another good serve like your last one.")

  5. it may sounds weird but when i mess up or miss a pass, i say to myself "she dont phase me, i got the next one." & when she goes up im all over it and when i make the dig im like "WHAT!" it sounds stupid but it really fires up your energy and volleyball is half physical and half mental so both gots to be in check.. =]

  6. Unfortunately, you're always going to make mistakes, but with experience you'll learn to shake them off.  Until then, here's some things I tried when I had this problem.

    You can develop a routine to help you shake off the last play, good or bad, and get set for the next play.  The one you see the most is players touching the floor when they're playing in the back row.

    Focus on something other than your previous performance.  Focus on the spot on the court you're aiming for, check the steps in your approach, make sure you're keeping your elbows out when you pass, or whatever.  Just don't take your focus off the game.

    Mix things up.  If your underhand pass is just off, try taking it with your hands. Rip a ball harder then you usually do, or make an aggressive tip.

    Keep practicing and you'll work your way out of it.  Good luck!

  7. its cool-i mess up all da time and i dont sweat it -its just part of learning how to inprove-itz koo-=)

  8. Take a step back slow down and relax.  If your getting all reved up that will mess up your whole game.

    Wait for the set don't go in to early and relax your arms when you pass.

    Good luck.

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