
I skipped a year of do i get in to shape this summer, and be better than last year?

by  |  earlier

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I ran cross country my freshmen year. i was alright but not the best. I will be running my junior year coming up after this summer. i haven't really ran since then and i really need to get into shape. does anyone have a killer summer work out plan for that?




  1. run everyday

  2. make sure you run over the summer and don't slack off.  but gradually increase your mileage, because if you do too much too soon you can get hurt.  25 miles a week is a legit summer workout.  5 miles a day 5 times a week.  don't run 7 days a week. you want to save yourself for the season.

  3. Just love running and running will love you.

  4. run everyday...3+miles a day

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