
I skipper a fishing boat in the irish sea .i lose phone sig often .can anyone tell me how i can get broadband?

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i heard that i got use a sat but not sure ,i have a phone sig for about 10 miles of shore .problem is we fish 20 miles and further away ,




  1. You can't get broadband via a mobile phone, nor a satellite phone. Why do you want to get broadband anyway? With the VHF/GMDSS system, you have the best communication system of any maritime country. In your area you get good VHF comms., receive NAVTEX weather/area alerts and get weather reports via LW/FM radio for free and faxed from Marinecall. When I'm sailing my yacht in the Irish Sea, please lookout for me!!!

    Cheers Bigpathome.

  2. 10nm is quite a good range but you will definitely need a sattelite phone or a VHF.  The land based cell phone relay towers don't really apply after about 5nM.

  3. BLAST no cell phone reception off shore. I am sure if there was a way Bouy's would be fitted with cell phone towers bobbing away in the north sea. There is a business to start SEA-PHONE... PIECES OF EIGHT! Or have cell phone repeters on vessels anchored off shore that use wind and solar power. There's your market go for it. ARUGH! Besides it is World Talk Like a Pirate Day! The image of skipper playing solitare on his lap top in the wheel house.

  4. A satellite phone is what you need. Currently these are somewhat expensive, but prices are dropping all time. I work in the Australian outback and wouldn't be without a sat phone. I believe there are special sat phone call plans for mariners. I suggest you search the web.

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