
I slept 12 hours, I'm 15. Is that too much?

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I'm a girl




  1. it depends if you need a lot of sleep or not, like my mom needs like at least 8 hours of sleep, but I'm 12, and my dad and I can go without sleep and still get up refreshed in the morning, lol, it depends who you are-that's no problem! :)

  2. i sleep that much..and sometimes more.

  3. No! Sleep as long as you need.

  4. no sleep is good for you

  5. way too much

  6. Nah, I'm 16 years old and have a relatively normal sleep schedule (always get my 9 hours), but when I'm allowed to sleep in as late as I want, I end up getting up about, oh, 14-16 hours later.

    Sleep is good for you. Don't be worried about it in the least.

  7. a little bit, but durring the summer its really no big deal

  8. sleep is great get tons of it if u can

  9. You should be sleeping betweent 7 and 8 hours.  Studies have also shown that women who sleep more are more likely to get a disease like men , i know ur not that old but It also prevents you from having energy and being tired. i woouldnt do it if i were u

  10. no its ok you was obviously tired thats all.

  11. Youre growing, especially if youre a boy. People sleep alot when theyre growing alot

  12. Not really, if you need it, you need it.

    I slept for 17 hours and I'm 13, but that was because I was sick =[

  13. Lucky you.

    It's a lot, but teens often need a good long sleep.  

    I wouldn't worry

  14. its not too much only if you stayed up for like a day and a half....

    but if you were just up normal hours, and slept that wrong.. i couldnt tell you what that meant....

  15. You can never have too much sleep. I'm 15 and I love my sleep, but I just never get around to it anymore.. It sucks.

  16. Yeah, its normal, I am 19 and sleep for 10 hours a night, teenagers need more sleep than any other age group.

  17. No i think it is so normal  im 14 and i sleep 15 hours a day ... but im also pregnant soo maybe thats why i dont know lol i think your ok though ..

  18. not 4 summer. idk how much i sleep but its a lot

  19. no silly im 13 and i slept like 16 hours every day last week

  20. HAHA!!! IM 15 AND SLEEP 14 HOURS!!!

    Yeh thats quite common, people our age are growing so we need more sleep :D:D:D:D

    Its not too much. Teenage bodies are gong trough dramatic hormonal and emotional changes, plus were physically growing. We nee more sleep. Look it up.

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