
I slept with a woman last night & when I woke up today the woman is totally different?

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the woman whom I woke up with next to me is not the same person as the one I had s*x with last is this paranormal phenomena????




  1. No. It's a very common phenomenon caused by ingestion of large quantities of alcohol. As long as when you woke up she didn't have a p***s. That would really suck. lol

  2. its called "regret the morning after"...LOL

  3. beer goggles.

    Try to take 'em off next time before you sleep with her :o)

    And I actually think I saw another similar question on here, but FROM A WOMAN saying she fell asleep next to a p***s last night and the p***s is totally different today, and then she questioned the meaning of beer muscles.

  4. call Father Merin

  5. beer goggles, also known as bar eye or coyote ugly.

  6. Or ParaAbnormal

  7. lol happens to the best of us from time to

  8. No it is called being sober dip stick. So what did you do what til last call and pick up some pig?

  9. its called soberin up silly

  10. People wonder why you are supposed to know a woman at least a littlwe before you sleep with her! LMAO You were probably drunk.

  11. You could have had an orgy and forgot about it because you were tooo DrUnK!

  12. You have not mentioned if you were under the influence of alcohol or mind altering substances, which has all ready been mentioned here by others, but i shall share, a possibility of an alternative perspective based on my own study in alternative healing and models of understanding the human body.

    First of all, i have observed this very same thing of a change of look in face,after my friend had 2 glasses of beer one time at a place we sat to eat. I noticed the change within a matter of minutes,  and it was quite freaky. If i had not been there to witness the change, and walked in after the change, i would not have recognised him.  I was not drinking either. He had not drunk alcohol for some time, and not frequently for quite a number of years, so 2 beers was enough to effect him. I am not g*y, and i did not have s*x, but i draw the parallel of the relating to such a difference in the face. If i did not experience it, i may not be able to appreciate what you are saying. BTW, i once shared this story of my friend drinking beer and seeing the face change with someone else, and they told me they experienced the same thing with their friend.  

    Apart from the basic knowledge by western science of the physical functioning of the bodies organs, it is known in some non western cultures that the body has energy paths, energy centers, and energy fields. When someone experiences either trauma, or takes drugs, it can damage or distort the various layers of the auric field (which are energetic fields or layers around the body), which affect the energy centres, which can effect the mental &/ or the emotional state of the person, and ultimately the overall state of the person and their body. I think this may be what affected the look of my friend so extremely.

    The body's auric layers can be severely damaged through drugs. Depending on what the drug is, large amounts of key minerals can leach out of the body, which are essential to good health,longevity, and balanced functioning as a whole. It also opens the body to an increased succeptibility to outside energetic influences. So, she may not even have been under the influence of substance, and could have even been "opened", from something as simple as being drunk.  Excessive drinking means the liver is unable to process all the achohol, so is burdened, and if her auric field has had any damage from stress, trauma, or drugs from the past, then the alcohol could could have played a role influencing what you experienced, in a more pronounced manner, than if she had never experienced drugs or anything to put her out of balance before that time.

    That is one possibility.

    One other possibility is that she might have a what is termed Multiple Personality disorder.  In my WordWeb dictionary (program), it explains the Multiple Personality  in simpler terms than the Wikipedia reference i have for it belllow.

    "A relatively rare dissociative disorder in which the usual integrity of the personality breaks down and two or more independent personalities emerge"

    The interesting thing is that in the Wiki article, it sais

    "Dissociative identity disorder can be found in a sizable minority of patients in drug abuse treatment facilities"

    and there is a reference in the article in relation to the quote. Further, my friend was quite into the drug scene some years ago.

    Perhaps there are other posibilities, but i am not aware of them myself.

  13. she was a cyborg mutant...she just decided she needed to mutate.

  14. lay off the vodka bro and drugs dont help either and maybe if thats not the case they switched when you were asleep to s***w with you

  15. Tequila?

  16. beer goggles

    Beer goggles is a slang term for a phenomenon in which consumption of alcohol lowers sexual inhibitions to the point that very little or no discretion is used when approaching or choosing sexual partners. The term is often humorously applied when an individual is observed making advances towards, later regretting sexual contact with, a partner that is deemed unattractive, unacceptably scandalous, or repulsive when the prospect of s*x is considered while sober. The "beer goggles" are considered to have distorted the "wearer's" vision, making unattractive people appear beautiful, or at least passably attractive. Beer goggles are also known as "Stellavision", "Beerglasses" and "The Cider Visor". In Yorkshire in the UK, there is a brewery called Tetleys, which has led some people to use the term "Tetleyvision".

    In January 2008, neuroscientists reported a similar physiological effect of alcohol on sexual behaviour in fruitfly. When given a daily dose of ethanol, males fruitflies court male as well as female flies. This observed inter-male courtship requires dopamine transmission between neurons in the brain and is encouraged by repeated alcohol exposure.

  17. No, its just Alcohol.

  18. no it sounds like u were wasted

  19. Drunk?

  20. Thats called coyote ugly

  21. no, i believe they call this taking the beer goggles off.

  22. more details man like were you drunk what made her different from last night so we could determine if it was paranormal or not

  23. Yes, that is a paranormal phenomena.  Were you wearing beer goggles?

  24. aliens hybred there genes into her

  25. Maybe just your view of her changed

  26. hope you used protection??? and you had to know that this was not a phenomena, it was studity. be careful out there and try to refrain from doing this again, life is too short to end up this an alien?? STD.

  27. You might have been wasted!

  28. probably not, were you drinking last night?

  29. you were drunk

  30. Who'd sleep with your ugly asѕ anyway, Imran?

    You're hideously ugly.

  31. Aliens abducted her and replaced her with a reptilian-human hybrid.  Next thing you'll get is a phonecall from this creature, telling you she's pregnant.  That is how they get the humans into slavery.

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