
I slept with my best friend..again?

by  |  earlier

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I got a phone call from my 'dead' dad, he's been 'dead' all my life the last 15 years. And I know it was stupid but I went to his apartment (my best friend's) and it happened again. He's the person I go to for help and now I'm scared it's turning into something else.




  1. what???????????????????

  2. I read your other question so I get what you mean!

    Well if you did it again then you oviously like your friend!

    I dont see the problem!

    He likes it you like it!

    I know your 15 and all but so am I so what the heck! :P

    Its just friend s*x which is cool!

    During the day when your out and about you can still be mates!

    But at night! lol!

    Just do what ever makes you both happy!

    If you like it do it and ignore the dimps that are telling you its wrong!

    Anything that makes you happy has to be good!

    <3 Amanda-Lee


  3. I think what you need is to pick up the yellow pages and look for a good psychiatrist.

  4. why are you asking this its you who knows who you want to have s*x with and you decide to do it. you go for help so does the s*x help? you should learn to put the closed sign up cos your legs shouldn't be open all hours x*x

  5. This is a biggie.

    The moment you feel un-coumftable, leave. I mean it.

    If he is persisting, and you don't want to then leave imidietly and get help.

    If I were you... no matter how much you may or may not enjoy it, I wouldn't sleep with him. It can get very messy. I think you have already gone one step to far and now you are in trouble. I don't mean to be negative but from I've heard, your in a bad position.

  6. i'm a little confused about the dead dad bit but the s*x bit, if you wanna have s*x, (with him or not..) have s*x, if you don't, tis that simple, self control, dear.. xx

  7. he is making use of u. Leave him!

  8. s*x is s*x.

    No big deal.

    s*x can be fun.

    s*x can be soothing.

    s*x can be connecting.

    s*x can be relieving.

    Friends can have s*x and still be friends.

    Friend s*x.

    You both know that you are not a good match as far as marriage etc. is concerned, so why not have some s*x while waiting for that certain someone to come along?  So, just say it, "I'm not interested in being more than friends with you, and I have no problem with us having s*x..."  He'll be relieved, because he's likely thinking the same thing.

  9. Dont open your legs, Its that easy. U would only have s*x with someone if u really wanted it.

    and how can people say i dnt remember how it happend,,u must know whats happenin. u dont go BRAIN DEAD when havin s*x

  10. you need to add more detail to you question but just stop having s*x with him its call SELF CONTROL

  11. okay i am confused the way you have this written correct me if I am wrong ..... so u slept with your best friend? and you went to his house to talk to him about your dad who called you?  

  12. Idk what to tell you sorry but you need to figure out why its happening and if you to want it to or not!

  13. you lost me

  14. wait your dead dad called you??? I'm a bit confused and u must have self control cos you need stop having s*x with are only 15! come on! stop acting silly be a responsible child do you want to get pregnant!

  15. What are you talking about?

  16. So? Sleep with him again and again if you want to.Its only s*x,we should cherish it whilst we are alive.

  17. First things first: make sure it's safe s*x. I know with all the other worries that seem to be happening that's probably not something you might think about too much but it's the most important thing.

    Secondly: Talk. Talk with him about what you feel, make sure you both know what's going on. Also, try and find other friends (those you won't be sexually attracted too, e.g a girl or a g*y guy) to talk about your worries with. That way you won't be running around to him in a panic and doing things in a flustered moment.

    Thirdly: Don't end up blaming yourself for it (this is why point one is so important). Thinking that you are bad or wrong or have no self control will not help. Relax and calm down. Talk to an adult you trust, or other friends. And talk to the guy as well, keep the communication with him open and honest.

    good luck! I hope it works out for you.

  18. haha.  

  19. What in heavens name is wrong with having s*x other than the fact you are "legally" under-age? (ALL my life  - the last 15 years????)

  20. ok.......ask him why he keeps turning to this? =]

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