
I slept with my boyfriend last night and were only 14, help me!?

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what am i supposed to do i am only in the 8th grade and i am going to have a baby, should i drop out and get married or should i stay in school and be laughed at? what should i do, i was thinking about an abortion but i am not sure Please help!




  1. when did you first sleep with your boyfriend? how do you know you are pregnant? you may be panicing over nothing, but you should think carefully before continuing with a sexual relationship as you are so young. and if you do want to continue with a sexual relationship please practice safe s*x!

  2. How could you possibly be pregnant if you just had s*x last night?  You are freaking out...wait and see if your period comes on time.  I assume since you are worried about pregnancy you didn't use any birth control which is not very smart.  Hopefully you will get lucky this time and not be pregnant but let it be a lesson not to have s*x anymore until you are older.  If you keep having s*x with guys you are going to get a very bad reputation and that is not good.   Just wait and see if you actually are pregnant and if you are then go to a clinic immediately to find out what your options are.

  3. I don't really understand how you would already know if you are pregnant if you just had s*x last night.  When was the last time you had s*x?  I would say that you should stay in school.  Yes it will be harder for you to take care of a baby and go to school, I believe what my mother told me when I was growing up lay in the bed you make.  

  4. keep your legs closed. if you just had s*x last night you wont even know if you are preggo. god what an idiot...please for the sake of humanity if you feel like you have to have s*x...wear a condom and dont reproduce.  

  5. First of all, why do you think you are pregnant? Did you use protection? Second of all you're only 14 and you should be concentrating on school and living life as a teen--going to the mall, hanging with friends, not really having any responsibilities except school and obeying your parents. If you miss your next period you should tell your parents and have them take you to the doctors or if you don't want to go that route just yet, get a home pregnancy test. Please use protection next time.

  6. Step One: Don't panic. You're going to be alright.

    Step Two: Find someone you can talk to. This could be your doctor, school counselor, or even a youth telephone help line.

    Step Three: Learn the facts. From books, internet, school, doctor, find out the real truth about pregnancy, aids, and everything else you need to know if you choose to become sexually active.

    Step Four: Buy a box of condoms. Even if you're so freaked out that you think you're not going to do it again, just have them in case.

    Step Five: Get a pregnancy test, either from the pharmacy, or at your doctor, or a clinic (they won't tell your parents). It's too early to know, so hang in there.

    Step Six: If you are pregnant, be strong and proud and love your baby. The world has changed, and teen mums are respected a lot more than they used to be. You could take a year off and go back to school. If your family is not on your side, though, I would think about abortion, its just too hard to be alone when you're so young.

  7. Either this is a complete joke or you are panicking because you realize the possible repercussions of what you've done.  I would hope that, if this is true, you will discuss it with your parents - because you're going to need them and you need to make them aware of the situation sooner, rather than later.  You are much too young to be having s*x and I hope you realize this now.  There are too many other things that you can enjoy doing being a teenager.  Go and enjoy life as a kid, but please wait several years before you consider having s*x again.

  8. well honestly young girl many of my friends have had babies and their only 15 or 16 and let me tell you its tough on them. i dont know your exact situation but just know it will be hard! really hard! you made a mistake by having unprotected s*x you can take this as a warning and never do it again till your ready or take the mistake as a lesson and have the baby but you need to make sure your ready. you have your whole life in front of you and your still just a baby yourself. but theres always adoption. but talk to your family they know you better than a stranger.  

  9. you might not be pregnant

    go talk to your mom and/or dad

    this is why comprehensive s*x ed is so very important.

    kudos to those that mentioned the Morning After Pill

  10. If you just slept with your boyfriend last night, then you can't be pregnant. If you haven't seen a doctor about your pregnancy, then odds are you aren't pregnant. Even if you are pregnant, you need to at least graduate from 8th grade. You should deal with the humiliation because you shouldn't have slept with him. Hope this helps.

  11. You should have thought about all of this before you spread your legs...time to grow up now.

  12. Well, sweetie, you need not worry so much until you find out if you are pregnant.  Talk to your parents about it.  As far as dripping out, what are you thinking that for?  You don't even know if you are pregnant.  Also, it may be illegal for you to drop out.  You and your parents could get in big trouble for that.  Please rethink doing this again. You are so young, and you won't have the life a young lady should have.  

  13. If you had s*x last night, then there is still time to get the morning after pill.  You MUST do this right away.  Call planned parenhood, or your doctor or talk to a pharmacist (not sure if you need a prescription for it where you live).

    I can tell that you are WAY too young to be having s*x, because you don't seem to understand how this whole pregnancy thing works.  If you are going to continue having s*x, you absolutely need to protect yourself and your boyfriend from an unplanned pregnancy.  Get on birth control pills.  And use condoms in the mean time.

  14. you just had s*x lastnight.. you could not even be pregnant it is too early to tell.. so if you know it was wrong then don't do it again.

  15. Ok well you were supposedly male in your other question (which was also ridiculous and incoherent) so I recommend that you get a hobby and stop bothering us.  

  16. Calm down, you can't even be pregnant yet! It takes days for fertilisation to happen and more for implantation to occur.

    You need to get the "morning after" pill or "Plan B" right away. TELL AN ADULT NOW. Every hour counts. Yes, they will be cross. They will be FAR crosser if you have to tell them you are pregnant.

    And stop having s*x. You are not an adult; you are not ready for the consequences.

  17. First of all if he ejaculated inside of you without a condom last night then there is no way to know if you are pregnant or not yet.  Its way too early.  You have to at least miss one period.  Even then since you are so stressed out about it, you could miss the period due to stress.

    Wait until you miss a period, go to the store and get a pregnancy test, read the directions and you will find out.  Do not get the cheap dollar store variety, go to a REAL drug store and get an EPT or something like that...../

  18. If you only had s*x last night, how do you know if you are pregnant or not?

  19. if it was last nite u cant be sure if ur pregnant. o ya and GOOD JOB

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