
I smoaked weed all the month of june .until aug 10th?

by  |  earlier

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i have been drinking water everyday since 21 of august and running 2 miles every other day i have to go to meps for the army on september 3 will i be clean by then i am done being a stonier bum time to grow up any one have answers




  1. i think so, if your worried about it get a home test kit before you go, but if you are positive what can you do right?  

  2. only loser smoke weed.

  3. NO, marijuana stays in your system for 28 to 35 days no matter how much water and exercise you do.  

  4. i know a guy who graduated number 2 out of a VERY good university he had a 6 figure job in Europe waiting for him and he was 1 of the biggest stoners at the School, still is.  I know a millionaire Architect who smokes everyday so don't listen 2 the LOSER who said only Losers smoke because that's not true at all its a good thing u can recognize that its time for you to grow up...BUT im not sure if it'll be out of your system, 1 thing u can do is go to Wal-Mart buy a small bottle of "Golden Seal Root" Vitamins take about 6-8 a day, they are only dietary supplements but they will help u get clean faster, i knw ppl who have passed tests after 2 or 3 days takin it and drinking water, Good Luck and Take Care of ya Bizzness!

  5. D'OH

  6. Weed stays in your system for 30 or more days depends on the person. They will ask if you ever had and make sure you tell them the truth, that way if you fail your test they know why and can possibly let you take another one. If you lie it will cause more damage than telling the truth.

  7. haha man i passed every test over :) hahah

    since you are a man cut your hair in the case they want to test it thry your hair.:)

    and then before the test have a gallon of milk thats how i passed every test even if i smoeked just before the test.

    They wont find nothing on you. I guarantee :) i've been passing every test :) gallon of milk or more as much as u can :)

    good luck in the army :)

  8. It'll be close. However, the big issue will be taking care of your security clearance. When you are filling out your SF-86 it asks if you have used marijuana. Be honest because falsifying that document will get you in a lot of trouble.

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