
I smoke one day before drug test and took pro tox to clean it out will i pass?

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I smoke one day before drug test and took pro tox to clean it out will i pass?




  1. You might pass but just drink alot of water and a bookoo and U will be clean

  2. You may pass the drug test but you will never pass he pot head test.

  3. That depends what you smoked.

    A cigarette- you'll pass.

    Something illegal- probably not.

  4. Better go buy a drug store test first. My hubby used stuff like this for years and always passed but one day he failed. Depends on your weight, how strong the THC was etc.

    Try the test before you take the drug test. They can send it to the lab for further testing and find dilutions and products now so best bet is to quit smoking.

  5. depends on what you smoked.

  6. Quit smoking pot and you will not have to worry about it. Grow up child.

  7. you deserve to fail If you cant hold off even 1 day knowing you have a drug test.

    will power get some. get some common sense to. If you are gonna take a drug test then dont do drugs before it. just plain dumb

  8. No. You're hosed

    THC stays in your fat cells for around 3 months and can't be flushed.

    You could try the 'I was in a house where a few guys were smoking ... it must be passive' line, but If its important enough work to test you for it. It's important enough to be fussy about who you hang with, so you're probably fired anyway.

    Heroin takes about 2 litres of water to clear before a urine test.

  9. probably, then again maybe not.

  10. "Pro Tox" and every other drug screening scam drug is nonsense. They don't work.  

    There's one sure way to make sure that you pass your drug test. Stop doing drugs...

  11. weed? nope. that stuff is in your lungs... not your belly. once its in your lungs it gets into your blood stream, and eventually to the bladder. sorry dude. what are you smoking that c**p for anyway?

  12. yes, that s good. but check this out

    * * * * * * * * Suregel & Gatorade, preferably blue.. mix it together and then pour in a cap full of either peroxide or Bleach.. done it way to many times.. Nvr failed.

  13. no you won't pass because they have a new system so now they can track the pill too!!!!!!!!!!1 well good luck

  14. maybe, **** em let them know you smoke weed

  15. drink as much water and green tea as you can with the pill and you should be OK but drink 2 or 3 gallons

  16. drink some vinegar..

    sounds gross but it deff. works..

    or have some one pee in a cup for you and take it with you and go into the bathroom and pour that in the cup.

  17. Like, you couldn't wait one extra day? You really had to smoke THAT BAD that it was worth all this extra stress, money, and the risk of possibly getting fired? You must be an idiot.

  18. why did you smoke if you knew you were gonna do a drug test?

  19. if your drink a lot of water and juice then maybe you will

  20. It will not help. You will get fired and live the rest on your life on the street sucking d1cks for money.

  21. aha r****d you shouldnt even be smokin dumb @ss

  22. maybe your a r****d for smoking the day before a drug test

  23. You should look for a job that doesn't require testing!

  24. Doubtful....

  25. Many factors involved.  Are you a regularly habitual smoker other than the one day?  Do you have a lot of body fat?  Any?  Are we talking a urine test or something else?

    Many factors, but offhand...

    One day?  Hopeless situation, you are going to test positive if you pee in a cup.

    My advice, invest in fake pee, the type with a thermometer on it to make sure it's body temperature...

    OR drink so much water that you start peeing clear and all you have to fear is that they will say it's too deluded, which is only a possibility...

    OR although you can't "clean out" your system that quickly, there are drinks that can be taken directly before a test to mask it..

    In any case I suggest you visit your local Smoke Shoppe and ask some questions and buy some product(s).  Just be sure to read and follow the directions on whatever you decide.  You can even get a self-test kit, sometimes even from some supermarkets, to remove all doubt as to where you stand.

    Hope I've been helpful, let me know if I can be any further assistance.

  26. wont pass out- it will stay with you in your bloodstream for a few days at the least

  27. Nope

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