
I smoke weed should i stop?

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i love smoking weed but wait hear me out....i am 17 a senior in high school i stay with a 3.6 and up i am a really good athlete and i am going to arizona for motorcycle should i stop even tho life is good




  1. i say unless the guilt you obviously have about smoking is interfering with your life, why stop?

    i'm a marijuana advocate of course i'm biased...although not any more than the rest of the answerers.

    my problem with you smoking is that you have to ask if you should stop...if you are asking a bunch of random people if they think you should quit then maybe YOU don't want to smoke weed.

    step back, investigate your personal motivation for wanting to smoke weed...if you truly want to and just enjoy kicking back and smoking sometimes, then just do it. its not seeming to impede on any part of your life.

    don't let societies skewed standards of living and belief make you feel guilty for doing something harmless that you enjoy doing and makes you feel better and happier as a person.

  2. Nah. I mean, it's always better not to do a drug than it is to do it, but once a week isn't going to do you much harm -- maybe reduce your GPA a little bit, maybe not.

  3. just don't get caught ... the jails are full of people who did nothing more than get busted for possession of an illegal substance.

  4. Yes please stop! there are more things to life than smoking weed. go swimming, hang out with friends! something other than that :/

  5. I can tell you from experience that a motorcycle and weed is a deadly combination. -LL

  6. brb reporting you

  7. yea u should stop! i used to smoke weed! but now i dont bring myself that low anymore! life gets boring for me thats why i did it! but now i found something new to do ! i am quiting for good! losing too much brain cells and i need to save them for college

  8. haha if it wasn't illegal would these people even care?  

    I don't know.

  9. There is no reason for you to stop.

    It really isn't that bad for you, and you (like many people, including myself) live a completely normal life and still smoke pot. My GPA is around 3.3 and I take a bunch of honors courses!

    It does not kill brain cells, isn't addicting, and does not cause cancer or emphysema!

    It is perfectly natural and the safest drug on earth!

    Two really good sites with FACTS:

    Marijuana Myths and Facts:

    Why Marijuana is REALLY Illegal:

  10. yes, life will get even better when you stop

  11. yeah you should. getting caught with possession can ruin you..especially if you're an athlete...but even if youre not. After HS it's a good idea to stop smoking b/c the ramifications of not doing so are much more serious. so do yourself a favor and dont f- things up.

  12. you are smart, so stop,

    Go get some chocolate or a yummy slice of cake., I  really honestly will never understand how people could llike weed or any drugs! Just grow up! Life is good so keep it good!

    If you need to relax, there are many healthier ways, get a cup of tea, do some exercise, read a book,! Weed and drugs are scary things to deal with, I am a health fanatic and I would keep drugs away as the devil!


  13. of course u should stop!!!! u will have soooo many problems in life later on if u keep smoking!!! it doesnt matter if u do it once a week or once a day!!! seriously stop!!!

  14. YES h**l YOU SHOULD STOP!!! if you don't ur "good life" will end way too quick, plus by the time ur like 30 no girl is ever gonna want to go out with you. or not a decent girl anyways. i were you id try my hardest to stop whenever i can

  15. Generally, like cigarettes, it does have toxins in it. It's not "all natural" like most people think. It's not really good for you, but then again what is? As long as you do it in moderation, and NOT around children it's probably not THAT big of a deal.  

  16. yes stop.

    before you get behind bars.

  17. i wouldnt. smoking weed and having a successful and productive live are unrelated, just be smart about ur decisions (dont drive/ride high or with illegal things, make important decisions sober) and you will be fine. i blaze most days and im better off than most of my friends who dont! toke on!

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