
I smoked 6 days ago and i rarely smoke ?

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Anyone know how much water i need i have the drug test in exactly 12 hours and 30 mins from this second...PLEASE HELP ME




  1. Well, chances are, if you've rarely smoked, then they aren't going to pick it up in you're system. Unless you're someone who smokes often it won't show up in a strand test. As far as peeing, if you drink quite a bit (at least a quart) of water then you should pass easy. Just relax. You'll be good. Take it from someone who's passed way too many drug tests than she should have. Good luck! And remember to remain calm.

  2. Drinking large amounts of water doesn't make drugs clear out faster and will only lead to water intoxication which will kill you, failing a drug test wont.

  3. takes 30 days for weed to make its way out of your system. sorry, but you're screwed. drink till ya can't drink no more, then drink more.

  4. hahahahaha

  5. You waited too late. You don't have time to sit in a sauna, you have to do this over several days and drinking pickle juice would flush it out, but again, you waited to late. FAIL

  6. You're clearly going to have major health problems now. Haha. Anyway, i'm off for a smoke.

  7. you'll be fine. Tobacco only stays in your system for a short time.

  8. There is only one way to pass for sure, get a wizinater, you can get them at your local smoke shop for about $50. Strap it on and "pee".

    you don't have enough time to detox- and at this point, it really doesn't matter how much water you drink.

  9. Naw you should be fine if you smoke like once a month or what not. take niacin if you can but idk wtv  

  10. Why would you even want to smoke in the first place, and from my friends I think you need weeks to get it out of your system and drinks a load of water.

    So I doubt you can hide it, bad move bro

  11. You should have rarely smoked 30 days ago.

  12. Smoked what? Weed? It stays in your system for up to three months. So good luck with that. If you are being tested often then you should smarten up and cut it out. If you're talking cigarettes, then drink a lot of water and juice, and if you test positive, say you were around people smoking and it must be second hand.

  13. there's barely anything you can do, but you should still probably pass cause you're not a regular smoker. if you still want to try, drink cranberry juice and as much water as humanly possible. work out a bunch. drink caffeine it makes you pee. just flush out your system. what kind of situation are you taking the test in? some are easy to cheat

  14. drink alot but dont kill your self

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