
I smoked Pot On Saturday and had to take a drug test on the following Wednesday it was a random drug screen. ?

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I am wondering if it will show since I had not smoked pot in a long time, I only hit it like 4 times, and I have drank lots of Vinegar and water since Saturday. I weigh about 190 and am 5'7




  1. I dunno, probably.I hope not though!

  2. Even walking through the smoke from a pot smoker on the way to your apartment will show on the drug screening.

    So sad you thought you could get away with this. That is why most employers now do the random testing. They don't want recreational smokers working for them.

  3. It will show up for sure. Pot stays in your system longer than almost any other drug.

  4. I think your S.O.L

  5. I just answered this. I have zero personal I'll just post what I found.

    You are NOT screwed. based upon what you say, probably ok if a urine test, most likely ok if blood test.

    Depends on how much dope you smoke. As I understand it..If you smoke dope regularly..takes longer. If you have more fat cells...dope is stored stays longer....

    THC is one of the "NIDA 5". The five drugs tested for in the standard NIDA approved drug test. It is standardly detectable in Urine for 48-72 hours after single use. Habitual or chronic use can be detected in urine for up to 12 weeks depending on quantity, duration, and frequency of use.

    Cannabis is detectable in the blood for approximately 2-3 days after use in an infrequent user. Frequent use can be detected in the blood for approximately 2 weeks.

    Here are some ideas from my earlier post.  the post was about how to clean up /detox before a drug screen.

    I guess if you plan on wild and woolly may want to drink gatorade/water to detox regularly.

    Smarter to do a clean catch mid stream urine test ...and prep with 2/3rd Gatorade and 1/3 water (more detail below),

    # Exercise and dry sauna heat will help remove the THC for purposes of Detoxing. Do this in combination with heavy water intake.

    # Stop exercising at least two days before your test because exercise increases the amount of THC in your urine. Since THC is fat-soluble and is stored in fat cells, exercise will help burn the fat cells thus releasing more THC into your urine sample.

    # You should avoid all toxins and unnecessary medications for 48-72 hours before you are testing or need trace elimination to occur.

    # Drink lots of water -- at least two quarts a day several days before you wish all traces to be eliminated. Water is a natural cleanser and assists the body in the detoxification process. Switch to Gatorade. 1/3 water 2/3rds Gatorade.

    # If you are giving a Urine Sample, use the third or later urine of the day and "catch" your sample in midstream -- not the first drops that come out.

    How to pass a urine marijuana drug test?

    Well it's rather simple, drink 35% water and 65% gatorade.

    The day before you have your urine drug test test eat a light breakfast and lunch. Don't forget to drink some glasses of water. On the test day you don't eat anything before taking the test. Ok, if you're really hungry eat something very light like an apple but not later then three hours before the test. +- 4 hours before the test is taking place you will need to drink 3 or 4 glasses of gatorade (1 bottle= 16 oz) and 1 or 2 glasses of water (16 oz = 1 glass).

    At the time of taking your p**s test first p**s into the toilet for a bit and then fill up the test container and after you filled it p**s the rest in the toilet. The thing is that most of the waster material is in the first stream of your urine and at the last part. Passing your urine drug test is simply done by following these steps.

    chances are good..but depends on how much you used to smoke...and if you are not that fat...maybe it did not stay...

    Also depends on test:





    can stay up to 90 days

    If you smoke it occasionally it will remain in your system for up to 10 days.

    If you smoke marijuana on a regular basis it will stay in your system for as long as 45 days, and if you smoke marijuana at a constant pace, it can stay in the body for 90 days. Marijuana is fat soluble. It stores in the fat cells of the body, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, in other words the major organs.

    cannabis stays in my system for 15 days

    there is a drug test you can buy to check.

    If it might happen your test is too diluted then tell them you did do some active sports that made you drink a lot of water the other day.

    Passing drug test Myths: Don't take any vitamins B, they don't help anything but color your urine a bright yellow. Which will look suspicious when taking the test.


  6. your screwed

  7. maybe not.  one time i got tested 2 days after smoking for a pre-employment test and passed.  i had stopped for about 2 weeks before that, but ended up smoking a bowl saturday before getting tested tuesday.  i passed and got the job.

    there are a few variables with how long it can be detected, among them are how much boby fat you have, how much and what quality the pot was, and how sensitive the test was.  it's true that thc can stay in your system for over 30 days, with some newer tests claiming as long as 90 days.  the thing is, the more sensitive the test, the more expensive it is.  if your drug tester is cheap, there's a good chance you'll pass.

  8. I believe your test will be positive. It takes about 30 days for your system to flush any signes of pot

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