
I smoked a joint and afterwards my mouth was bitter and my neck hurt... was it laced?

by  |  earlier

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I googled this and it showed up as meth side effects.




  1. im not gonna tell you that its not possible to have weed laced with something. but the possibilities of that happening is like 1 in a million. even if the weed was laced with something it would not be meth... because its not possible!! youd be able to tell that theres some strange white or yellow powder on your green weed. another reason that it wasnt laced with meth is that it would not benefit the dealer in any way. meth is really expensive and for the dealer to do that he would actually lose money in the process for lacing the weed with meth. he would also potentially lose you as a customer and might even get ratted on just because he did that. lacing weed in general with anything does not benefit anyone. the user or the dealer. the only thing that weed has ever been laced with is pcp and thats only when the buyer asked for it to come like that. the whole story about marijuana being laced with other drugs was just some lame story facbricated by the government to scare kids from ever trying it...

  2. Well ! If You smoke POT, and don't know where it came from, You May find that You will have side affects.

    By The Way!!! ,  

    Why have a joint at all.??

    If You knew The damage to Your body, and Brain, Marijuana does, You Might think twice before becoming stoned next time.

    Dont use drugs at all.!!

    Your Body" WILL" Thank You.



  3. Weed does that.

    Some people don't like the taste of weed and call it "bitter," otherwise it may have been the paper.

    And if you mean your neck hurt as in, it burned, or felt like you were choking or something, weed can do that.

    Chill. You're ok.

  4. yeah.

    it was meth.


    s****. careful!

  5. yep

    people are lacing it with stuff now so be careful!

  6. no babe, it wasn't meth, trusttttt me... weed can do that sometimes

  7. more than a good chance...

  8. Ericka,

    I haven't done dope in years.  Whiteboi explained it quite well.  No dealer is going to lace his product, with a more expensive product.

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