
I snap at my boyfriend all the time, how can I stop?

by  |  earlier

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I know the obvious answer is to just stop, and I try and keep a lid on it but it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall sometimes. I don't want to snap at him but feel that I say things 100 times and they don't go in. Has anyone got any advice for how to bite your tongue and not feel resentful afterwards that you've kept it in?

Please be nice I'm trying to change.




  1. Try evening primrose oil if it happens more at your time of the month.  Or seek anger management help. |Another one is try counting to ten, fifteen etc. Good luck

  2. Its a hard one. I don't judge you because I've done the same thing to my husband. Although right now I'm pregnant so he's a lot more understanding lol.

    There are plenty of things you can try (other than therapy).

    -Journaling/blogging... these are great ways to get everything you need to get out and give you an open way to vent. Just be sure that whatever you journal or blog is completely private and is never used by you to throw in his face with dates of every "crime" he's committed lol.

    -Physical exercise... reduces stress, calms the body, and of course its just overall good for you.

    -Have good talks with him during periods of peace. If you've got some issues to work out with him then talk about them when you're not in a bad mood.

    -Accept the fact that a man can never completely understand what is going on in a woman's head.

    -There are plenty more but my brain is fried right now. Good luck. Hope you get some other good suggestions. Trust me it's not worth snapping at every little thing so I hope you find something to help you.

  3. I know the feeling! Its like no one hears you unless YOUR SHOUTING!

    Maybe he has been brought up to be yelled at or he has a hearing problem (no joking here). When you find the solution, post it here so I will know too. LOL

  4. Get a new BF as this 1 bring the worst out of you> No changing will make a difference>

  5. You can stop it.  Or he will.  Pretty soon you will snap and he will not be there to hear it.  If a woman snaps in the forest and no one is there, she makes no noise.

  6. Just imagine one time you snap and he gets up, grabs a few things and walks out the door. Never comes back either. Would it have been worth it then?

  7. Maybe some of my answers I got from this morning will help you.  Here is the link.  I asked almost the same thing.;...

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