
I sold a car and the guy didn't have full amount I was asking for so he gave me part of it.?

by  |  earlier

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Now he changed his number and I have no way to get a hold of him. He said I would be back with the rest of the money by 8-21-08 but he hasn't called or come by my house. We both signed a statement saying that he was buying the car AS IS that he owed money and he would come back by this date. I made a copy of his drivers license for my records and a copy of the statement to give to him. I didn't give him the title. I still have it, we agreed that when he gave the rest of the money he would get it.

So my question is, what can I do? Should I go to his house with the police and get my car back? Or can I just report it stolen? I'm not sure how to deal with this.




  1.   At least you still have the title, that was smart.  How is he driving the vehicle?  Does he have plates?  Are they your plates?  If they are, and he gets into an accident, or gets tickets, you may have problems.  If he has your plates, I would go to my local DMV and report them stolen or lost.  That will protect you if something should happen while he has the car.  If they are his plates, well, they don;t belong to that car, and if he gets stopped, he will be in trouble.   I would go to my local police department with everything I had, copy of his license, your agreement, and the title and see if they will help you find him.  

  2. its not stolen.  You wilfully handed over the keys in exchange for promise of future payment.

    You can go to the police and reposess the car - take a police escort.  Or, file a lawsuit in small claims for the balance of the loan.

  3. When you made an agreement to accept a partial payment, a contract was created. That makes this a civil matter, and the police will not get involved in it. The only way to get your car back is to sue the buyer in court and have a judge order the car returned or the balance paid to you. Good luck.

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