
I sold a house in ma. and the basement flooded 3 months after i sold it can the new owners come back at me?

by  |  earlier

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for damages etc.




  1. As long as you did not misrepresent any facts or details about the house when you sold it. This doesn't mean they won't try. If they do get a lawyer, one that is experienced with real estate law. Also consult the realty agent you used to sell the house.

  2. They should have had a home warrenty when they bought the house that would cover that.

  3. No.  Once you sell the house, you no longer have any liability.  What would be the point of selling it if you still have responsibility over the house?  Read the contract.

  4. The best thing you could do would be to ask a lawyer. Probably one that specializes in real estate. Make sure they are very knowledgeable about Mass. laws. Each state is different. Hope this helps ya!

  5. The new owners are responsible for damages and should've had the house properly inspected and insured prior to them moving in... you are not liable.

  6. No. Once you sell it theres no way they can come back to blame you. Even if they do, the max they can do is tell you but cant  take you to court for it! Im not experienced in this matter at all! Just know about it though.

  7. They can't if u sold it of then u no longer have any liabality to that house or should u care what the owners do to it. so they can't come after your and if they threaten you then tell a judge and you'll probably win. i mean after all you can't the the futur weather

  8. only if they can somehow prove that it flooded due to a pre-exsisting condition that you knew about, and neglected to tell them about.

    This would be virtually impossible.

    Good timing.

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