
I sold my car 3 months ago and now the buyer came back talking smack?

by  |  earlier

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i sold my car AS IS 3 months ago and the byer comes into my job yesterday saying the car doesnt wanna start and needs a new engine and blah blah blah and said we need to come to some agreement hes like u dont do business like that! is it possible he can do anything about that because when i had the car it started and ran fine for me and i took it to work everyday?




  1. dont ya just love it! in reality the moment he drove it away it was his problem! unless of course your a dealer which I take it your not, tell him to go pound sand! and while were on the subject if he looks as though he works at a 7eleven you need to explain to him very carefully as is, I sold one that dude thought it came with free life time tune ups, and he came ready to haggle!!

  2. he cant do nothing..even legaly he hasnt a leg to stand on...a quick smack will put him in his place.

  3. All private sales 3 months old are considered "As-is" so unless you gave him some sort of written warranty, then there is nothing he can do (USA). If he comes to your place of employment again, you can call the police and have him removed. He bought the car 3 months ago, it's his problem, not yours. You have nothing to worry about as many of the posters have said.

  4. First, note that "as is", doesn't mean you can mislead the buyer about the condition.  If you made false claims in an ad or something, he might have a case -- but after 3 months, it wouldn't be much of a case.

    Apart from that, no, he needs to leave you the h**l alone, and if he doesn't, call the police.  Don't put up with any c**p.

    Don't feel responsible -- he knew the risks when he agreed to buy the car.  Besides which, the fact it worked for 3 months means it was in good shape when he bought it.

  5. He has no grounds for any complaint. Tell him to leave you alone. If he doesn't, take out a restraining order on him.

  6. You sold it AS-IS so the guy should of new that when he bought it so he has no reason to harass you. If he comes into your job again and makes a huge seen threaten him with a call to the police and that should shut him up or make him just leave you alone.

  7. Is your friend sort of slow, or what? What do they think "as is" means, if they were to buy the car "as is" from a commercial dealer, they wouldn't be aloud to go back there and harass the business about the problems of the car, because any dealership displays an "as is" sticker on the car that states just that. Legally there's nothing they can do if you've got it in writing that the car was to be sold "as is".

  8. nothing he can do...

  9. "AS IS", tell him to quit harassing you.

  10. I bought a car "as is" and was fully aware that it meant just that. As a buyer, if the thing took a c**p on my way home from just buying it, would be one thing, but 3 months later??? I'm guessing that the bill of sale states that it was sold "as is", if so, there is nothing he can do. It was running when you sold it, now he wants to blame you for it.....sounds like a real a*****e to me that doesn't understand the meaning of "as is". Good luck.

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