
I sold my house 3 months ago. At closing, they took out $3000.00 of my money for roof repair. Now, I want a?

by  |  earlier

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receipt that shows the roof repair work so I can turn it in as a claim to my insurance company. The realtor and the title company have said they sent it many times but obviously they are hiding something. We have had many conversations about this and they keep telling me they have sent it, etc. Finally, she told me that the only receipt they had was the estimate from the roofing co, and the realtor was just going to mark it paid. I said no, I want the original invoice from the roofing company marked paid. So far, nothing. HELP




  1. Im not sure why you think your insurance company would pay for a new roof?????? Unless it was damaged in a storm. Your homeowners insurance will not pay you any thing. The $3000 was for the new owner to put a roof on and you have nothing to do with it.

  2. If it was storm damage you should have filed a claim and had your insurance adjuster look at it before selling it.  Roofs do not last forever, and if it was normal wear, that is not covered by insurance anyway.  You cannot file a claim now for something you no longer own (how would you prove if, what, or when it was damaged?).

  3. It sounds to me like the work was never performed.  I would send them a little letter stating that they either produce an invoice and a receipt or they need to refund the $3000 or you will be forced to seek legal remedy.  But before you get an attorney, I would look at the language involved with the concession and make sure that you required the work to be done and that the $3K wasn't just an allowance for the damage.

  4. Call ~Your Citenzens Advie Bureau

  5. The realtors have no real control over this. I'd say the buyer just doesn't want to be bothered. Have you explained the situation to your insurance company? You obviously have the contract which shows the $3000 hit.

  6. The Realtor doesn't have the authority to mark anything paid, as only the attorney can pay it.

    The attorney must return any funds not used for that purpose back to you.

    Find out who the roofing company is and call them directly...if you live close to the title company, don't call, go down there.

    Tell the agent to stay out of it.

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