
I somehow got gasoline in my magneto area. How did this happen? the 86 it250 won't start now.?

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I somehow got gasoline in my magneto area. How did this happen? the 86 it250 won't start now.?




  1. so blow it out or it wil dry all by itself. how it has a leak or you overfiled

  2. Sounds like the seal behind the flywheel has blown.

    On a 2 stroke engine, the fuel is sucked into the engine, then gets compressed down by the crankshaft before being forced back up on top of the Piston via the transfer ports.

    If the seal behind the flywheel is leaking, when the fuel is getting compressed, it will be leaking past the seal and not enough will be getting forced to the top of the piston, hence why it won't start.

    You can see on this link how a 2-stroke engine works.

    You may be able to replace the seal by taking the flywheel etc off, but it's possible that you'll need to pull the engine to bits so you can replace the seal from the inside.

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