
I somehow got the idea that the point of Gestalt therapy...?

by  |  earlier

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Is for the therapist to argue with the client/patient? But wikipedia doesn't say this (the page was too long for me to read all of it, but I skimmed.) So is this just a totally ridiculous notion? I thought that the point was for them to debate on extremely personal grounds, until the patient just gave up or became convinced? I'm not saying this to be funny...but it does seem like it would be pretty funny, if I'm totally wrong.




  1. When you want to find out about Gestalt therapy, you have to try it out and read. Do that or let it be.

    Gestalt therapy is certainly not about arguing with the client.

    The therapist skillfully puts the client in a situation in which he  experiences what he is doing with tendencies in himself

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