
I someone can do telekinesis, can the stand on a bored and move it and fly?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Why would you need the board?

  2. Of course! Works with carpets, too.

  3. Yea, i sometimes use boards, but pillows are more comfortable. Sometimes, i do bare back, especially at nights when no ones looking.

  4. Sure, why not....

    of course the key word is "IF" someone can do telekinesis.

    they probably wouldnt even need the board. They could just fly around like superman.

  5. What's the guy in the first  question talking about? You don't build houses with boards, you build them with bricks.

    Anyway, to the question, of course they could. That'd be so cool, two tricks in one!

  6. if i could i don't think i'd still be here lol. take care xx

  7. I'm a spelling jerk: the word is "board," not "bored."  "Bored" means you're just laying about and don't know what to do.  "Boards" are what you build houses with.

    And, if they have mastered telekenesis, then yes.

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