
I something wrong with yahoo 360???

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I am trying replace my old avatar through a pic on yahoo 360, but it doesn't show up as an avatar at yahoo answers... Can anyone help?




  1. LOL like yahoo fixes anything, i doubt they will even try to fix it, there so lame

  2. Give it a few days. Yahoo is currently working on a new profile system that involves converting some of 360.


  3. A lot of users have posted as having the same problem with the 360 avatar. Yahoo have started major updates to all of its servers, the avatar will show eventually some report waiting 2-5 days before the avatar shows. so try to be patient.

  4. Yes i help you honey ;)

  5. i got this message saying that yahoo is at it's maxiumm number of accounts and to send this msg to everyone to keep your account for free otherwise it will be deleted and you will have to pay $10.00 a month to get it back. maybe that is part of the issue, i dunno

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