
I sometimes ask. Am I alone?

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I have never been more upset over the posts in the Israel site as I have been this week. Seems everything turned upside down for me.

I have have been told by some Jews that they appreciate the fact I support them. Now I feel unwelcome as an American Christian.

Is my support of Israel unwarranted or unwanted?

This , of course, is to the Jew but notice I'm not saying who can or can't answer.

Rants about the Jews and Pals is not to the point and will be ignored.




  1. Here's my take -

    I welcome wholeheartedly support for Israel for being a modern democracy in a hostile part of the world.

    I don't like people to support Israel for some prophetic religious reasons (i.e. to get all the Jews to Israel and/or build the 3rd temple to get pigs to fly or whatever).

  2. the christian support of israel is greatly valued here in israel and is in no way unwarranted or unwanted.

    i believe it to be on the basis of common values and interests and mutual respect.

    if the claim ,as has been posted here several times ,of an ulterior motive (i.e christian redemption) is true (which i sincerely doubt..)i'll use a rabbis words, who once had a friendly debate with a christian priest(i read about it some years ago in the papers),

    "when the messiah comes, we'll ask him if he's been here before"

    that ended the debate with them both laughing :)


    i'm an atheist myself (lol)

    but i thought that was nicely handled.


    this is for you too

  3. I think you should ask yourself a question:

    If I were a believer in Judaism, how would I feel about Christian support for Israel from a religious perspective?

    Everyone likes to receive support and friendship. That is human nature. Where it starts to get tricky is the TERMS for that friendship or the REASONS BEHIND that friendship. So if you were an Israeli Jew, knowing what you know about Christianity, would you be 100% satisfied with Christian support for Israel, yes or no?

  4. I always respect your views and I always read your comments JD.

    If you feel you are right in what you do, you just keep on doing it.

    I am not saying that you are right or wrong here bud.

    I am sure that many of them jews find your comments "agreeable" as long as you play by their own rules.

    Steel out...

  5. JD,

    my old pal,

    You shouldn't feel depressed and you shouldn't take it personal too. Enjoy the moment and threw away that agenda of yours. You will not change the world. It will change by itself. don't worry. Life is full of sick minded people and haters.

  6. I haven't been following much of what's happening in this forum, lately, so I'm afraid I'm not sure what's been said?

    All I can say is: everyone is welcome here, the only thing asked of them is to not bash Israel unfairly, to not bash Jewish people or indeed any other religion, and to not try and preach to Jews in the hope of converting us.

    If you've never done any of these things, why *wouldn't* you be welcome here??? :)

  7. I sometimes get that feeling when I've posted here in the past too, not always.  I think they know they're a bit insular, but there's worse things to be.

  8. Hi, I've read ur question and some of the answers.. i don't know why it seems that we (arabs) r out of calculation and always considered (hostile) and such. there is a big conflict here: jews want israel and arabs want palestine. if u support israel then u oppose arabs, and vice verse. Not all Israelis r bad, and certainly not all jews. But u cant say that u will support someone or some nation as a whole, u ave to distinguish between whats good and whats bad. this conflict is far from being political or relegious as it has many sides, some of them historical. ive always had a question which i found so hard to answer: why do christians always seem to be at the same side with jews? altho jews were the enemies of Jesus himself. christians over here (in Egypt) dont show the same sympathies with jews. Im not saying that im right and jews r wrong, everything is relative and there will be always misunderstandings and conflicts. the whole idea in which i believe is that no matter what hppens we must never give up on being humans. we should support whoever is right and oppose whoever is wrong, and when we oppose someone we shouldnt be aggresive bcoz in the end, u must understand that as much as u believe u r right, the other person believes u r wrong. there will be always ppl who use guns to talk, but we should make sure that they will never manage to make us forget our humanity.

    If u want my opinion, i think that ur support must be for both jew israel and muslim palestine. to help the weak and protect whats right, regardless of the relegion or political views.  

  9. Israeli Jews welcome all the support they can get as long as you don't pretend to be Jews in order to convert our children.

    Jews respect all other peoples and their religions as long as they are not destructive of Judaism.  Christians have been trying to destroy Judaism for 2000 years.  The most recent method is to convert all of us to Christianity.  We are very grateful that Christians are no longer killing us.

    Why don't you make your Q&As public so we can see some of the posts that have upset you?


  10. JD only a Jew can tell you whether you are welcome or not in his eyes, others can only assume. I would like to know what makes you ask this question, it seems like some Christians have turned up side down this week, not the other way around.

    We have always appreciated the Christian support, when I see them having nights to honor Israel I cannot express my gratitude enough for you to even begin to understand.

    The problem is not with Christians but with specific groups within the Christian community who "support" us for their own interests on their own terms but if it wasn't for their bible and prophecies regarding Israel they would probably be on the other side and their true face is shown as soon as we tell them loud and clear that we do not believe what they believe as if they did not already know, then they open their mouths and tell us what they really think of us which isn't pretty at all.

    These people are not welcome, we don't like "supporters" who threaten to stop "supporting" because we refuse to see eye to eye with them religiously or because a few Jews did the stupidest thing ever(and are being bashed by practically every other Jew).

    If you support us, support us because you support us, support Israel because it needs your support, do not support us because your bible says so, don't support us because you need us in order for your prophecies to come to life.

    If you do support us because of the bible then support us for who we are and for what we believe and you know exactly what it is.

    Don't support us in order to change us because we do NOT want that kind of "support".

    You need to distinguish between these two groups, JD you are personally more than welcome as yourself and as an American Christian and if you come to Israel I will personally pull out the red carpet for you but I will not be "politically correct" about missionaries and their fellow Messianics in order to insure that people like you don't get offended, I do my best but you need to understand where this is coming from and that we are not attacking YOU.

  11. You are wanted here. You are not alone.

    Many Jews are liberal, and they do not view you or me as their friend. They are misled. Forgive them.

  12. don't take the comments on yahoo answers personally, if i would, i would have had to have psychiatric treatment for that, take everything with a pinch of salt, people here don't care too much what they say, as it pretty much anonymous here.

    israel needs as much support as possible.

    the israeli's adore the christians, and are very much welcome in israel.

    what happened with the burning of the bible is an isolated incident, by some fanatics.

    99.9% of israeli's condemn this behavior.justice will come to them.

  13. God only wants us to support humanity, help the weak, be kind and righteous. Know right from wrong and have faith. It's up to you who you support, it can be a country, it could be people. It could be humanity in General. You've been on this site for a long time. You've done your best to be polite and kind to all people in my opinion. You've gained respect of alot of people. Sorry if my answer is not what you need exactly. Follow your heart and God will lead you in the right direction for you...Peace.

  14. You need to figure it out JD.The Jews have contempt for Christians.I guess you deserve credit for trying to support them.But in their arrogance they only care about Jews and their precious Israel.

  15. I can't say I like them folks myself.

    They hate us Christians real bad because we are smarter and they are always stealing our secrets since day one.

    They even have a Hotel somewhere in Arizona I think where the jews use that as their base to meet up and gather up their spies, giving orders and such.

    Bluexxxxx it is called. The FBI knows a lot about that but them jews  they somehow managed to hide that info from us.

    Their White House Lobby does a real good job on that.


  16. I think Israelis are open-minded and respect what you have to say. DasReich and ClaymoreThomas III are both wrong. Israelis and Jews respect Christians as long as Christians do not try to convert them.

  17. One is never alone. I think you may be learning the simple truth of the situation. It is not a clearcut black and white issue. Even on this forum there are those that denounce/attack the actions of other users yet ignore the actions of themselves and those on their side,that are just as bad/wrong. It is the same in real life,neither side will look at the wrongs they do or accept the fact that neither side is innocent. That is what prevents peace,human nature.  Everywhere lately people are treating serious situations like a sporting event,blindly cheering on their team. Look at politics in America for another example of the sporting event mentality

  18. This Jew has no contempt for JD.  He is a good egg.

    Good Luck!!!

  19. i think lupines likes u!!! hahahahhahaah lmao

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