
I sometimes get the impression that people of many religions are competing?

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and squandering over God. For instance, a Christian may refuse to accept that you believe in God unless you believe in their God. They will say you don't follow God, even if you have beliefs about God. The same could be said of many other religions of the past and present.

It sometimes reminds me of rats fighting over crumbs of bread, and I want to scream "There's enough God to go around! RELAX!" But, I fear my ravings would be interpreted as lunar nonsense.




  1. Perhaps the one word answer you seek is "Vanity".

    Don't worry, it's a criticism I level as happily at their non Religious as I do at the Religious.

    If you're going to point out the faults of mankind, you might as well choose one of the more glaring ones.

    Hang in there.


  2. Good description.  It is the spiritual war the bible is talking about.

  3. Absolutely. When u have ego...............u have the devil. After pride comes the FALL.

  4. I get more than a mere impression.  Religious wars, right wing lunatics shoving their "faith" down our throats, religious rules suppressing women, hate towards homosexuals, fighting against real science being taught in our public schools, synagogues with hateful graffiti on it.  Do away with the religious fundamentalists and we will have a far more peaceful world where those of differing beliefs will be able to coexist.

  5. This is why I support a theistic Olympics..  It would be quite a show.  Instead of trying to win events of a physical nature they could set up debates, do rituals.. So on.

  6. I honestly don't get the question. I see the ? but where is it?

    It is because some serve false gods and Christians, as part of their instructions from God, are to spread the truth only because they want to save people.

  7. Well...Organ Grinder? some cases, you cannot have a relativistic God. It's the same reason why people disagree in politics. Conflicting ideas can not coincide in truth.

  8. Any religion that claims to be the only way to God is based on lies and deceit.

  9. You correct.  Mankind is always trying to fit 'god' into their own personal perspective.

    It's an ego thing to say that your view is the only view.  Ego of the individual and collectively of the group (religious institution).

  10. That's because everyone wants to be right.  Most of the religions have some truth mixed with lies so really, none of them are right.  We should all be able to agree to disagree.  I don't feel that we need to debate it.  Everyone interprets the scriptures differently and only God can give you the spiritual insight you need to know his truth.

  11. They are!  They're all out to prove that their god is bigger than the other gods and that their religion is better than the other religions  

  12. It is just further proof that organized religion is a complete scam and that if you really  want to know about God it is a personal thing which is best discovered by you and not some persons opinion about the matter.

  13. It should not be a fight. Either they believe in the one true God and be right or they believe in there God and be wrong. That is there chose not mine. We have the right to believe what we want to believe.

  14. I think you meant to say "squabbling over God" not "squandering over God".

    Imagine that, the religions of the world, and the multitudinous lunatic sects of Christianity in competition?  No way!

    Of course, they are in a brutal fight for your money and social and political influence, and it's as dirty and cut-throat and vicious a fight as Ric Flair taking on Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat for the Wrestling Heavyweight Belt.

    I almost laugh myself sick watching Christians and who they target MOST for their abuse and hatred. Is it the Muslims? The Jews? The Buddhists? The Hindus?

    NO, they attack most viciously groups that are but a tad different from them like the brutal conflict between the Church of God and the Assembly of God, which differ only on what women can wear to church and whether women can wear make-up.

    One Christian author I read was fed up with this nonsense and invented two wacko Christian sects The Muddites and the Anti-Muddites.   The Muddites took their name from the verse in the NT where Jesus heals a blind man by putting a spit ball of mud in his eye. [Gee, that's sound medical procedure?] while the Anti-Muddites who would like to rid the world of the Muddites, prefer the other passages where Jesus healed blind persons without needing mud.

    This is typical of religious mania and folly which to the non-believer is almost as funny as mud-wrestling or Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction.

    Do you want to see real hatred, as powerful as you could imagine could exist? Just watch a Mormon running into the splinter sect of Mormons the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

    Mormons can be quite civil among Muslims, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists because they can't undertand them and so will leave them be, but put a Mormon in a room with a Reorganized Mormon and watch the fur fly!

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