
I sometimes have weird dreams and in them i am a teenage boy?

by  |  earlier

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one i fell into a ravine and was getting attacked by poisonous snakes...and i seemed to be like a 13 year old's so weird..has anyone else had dreams where they were different than they are?......i'm not even a tom boy.. all my friends say i am a really girly girl.




  1. I think you are into girls, either L*****n or bi-sexual... no shame in either :)  the poisonous snake is likely to symbolize the snake from Adam and Eve... and you seem to be Adam


    well if you believe in reincarnation, you may well have been male in a former life or lives

  2. I really don't think that means anything. Because if you think about it we dream about some of the most dumbest things and we dont even think about that. So im sure it doesn't mean anything. just laugh it off. =)

  3. i sometimes have crazy dreams were im a guy but i dont think anything about that ........

  4. Never a girl, but i get dreams where im not me, and im watching whats going on around me, like a movie...i like those ones!

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