
I somtimes become agreesive with my partner when drunk i hurt myself and and boyfriend i really need help

by  |  earlier

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I need to stop this happening i am 25 and today i have cuts and bruises all over me because of my behaviour im not a alcoholic its happens if i get drunk




  1. simple - dont drink.

  2. Wow the easy answer is    dont get drunk !

    On the other hand, have you asked him if he enjoys it ??

  3. thats fine you just like it rough, get your boyfriend to tie you up and beat the c**p out of you next time, you will prob enjoy it,, anyway is he a puff letting you beat him up ??

  4. 25 sheesh.  You should seek professional help.  You aren't going to get that here.

  5. speak to a social worker and please dnt harm yourself love yourself leave ur partner and be alone carm your behaviour donw relax and do what makes you happy maybe ur boyfreind really cares and loves you dnt drink thast the wrong option its bad  

  6. Well you most likely are an alcoholic if your drinking causes bad consequences.  Watch out because it will only get worse, there isn't one thing good about alcohol and alcohol has never made anyone funny, attractive, cool etc....   Good luck

  7. do you know you are not an alchiebum? It sounds like you are (if booze is the cause of your disfuntion then you are) Dose this behavior happen when you are sober? At 25 you should be happy and still discovering the beauty of life and the joy of being in love (and the power of  love) should not hurt.....please stop getting drunk , wake up and smell the love.....peace out ;)

  8. You should look for a local anger management group and also if alcohol makes you agressive you should stop drinking...

  9. not an alchie huh?

    care to try again? at the very least your a nasty drunk, if i were your boy friend i would drop you like a warm beer. you need help....get it.

  10. If you aren't in control of what you do when you drink stop drinking before it destroys your lfe.Go see your doctor you don't need to be an alcoholic to harm yourself and those you care about.

  11. You are in denial!!

    If this keeps happening and you are now 25, Don't you think you have a drink problem?

    Why do you keep getting drunk?

    Can you go out anywhere without having a drink?

    Just stop drinking?-does this statement ring any bells?

    Are you thinking "I can't do that!"

    If so, you have a drink problem!

    Get some professional help!

    Good Luck!

  12. Well firstly stop drinking, secondly get help.  Whilst not being an alcoholic you do seem to have a problem with drinking. In the end you have to work out which means more.  Drinking or your bf

  13. today is a new day. learn from this experience and drink less. It is important you do this now before thing start to get out of control. take good care of yourself

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