
I speak with an accent?

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so I've been living for like a year in a foreign country and now I have an accent when I speak my native u think its possible to get a foreign accent when you've lived overseas for 1 year?




  1. yea maybe

  2. Judging by what you've said, yes.

  3. its possible and chances are it will happen..but you will eventually lose it when you return to your home country and speak like the people there.

  4. It is not possible

  5. yeah why not.

    Yess!!! I am number 1 take that everybody else.

  6. Sure. I'm the kind of person who picks up accents while I travel. When I was in Spain, I started speaking English with an accent and didn't even realize I was doing it right away. I feared that my Spanish friends would think that I was mocking the way they spoke English. I did that to a lesser extent in London when I was there.

    If I can do that in such a short time while visiting, I'm sure you can pick up the accent while living there for a year and being immersed in the language.

  7. Absolutely. LDS missionaries who go on a mission to another country and language will develop an accent after just 2 years and so, yeah, you can develop one after 1 year. It probably is not very pronounced and will most likely revert back once you go back to your Native Country.

  8. I have lived in 3 different countries 1 for 20 yrs 2 others for 4 years yes you can pick up accents and even years later an accent can still linger.  

  9. You can pick up an accent if you speak the same language of the country you are visiting.  Same will happen if you move from Maine to Georgia, you will on time pick up the southern accent.  

  10. My English teacher in 10th grade said that it is possible. You get used to hearing it said that way so that's how your mind will process it.

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