
I spent a glorious weekend with someone and have no idea who he is. HELP! We didn't exchange phone numbers, or

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last names. I know his name is Andy. He is 25. He played pro baseball (unsure is major or minor league etc) for two years but isn't this year. I don't know why. He lives in Syracuse, NY now. And I can't get him off my mind. He told me had myspace.From what he said I got he impression his picture had something to do with baseball, but I haven't been able to find him.. anywhere. Just thought I'd put this out there and hope that maybe someone knows who he is...

He mentioned being in Ft. Lauderdale to me, and also being in Texas, but I'm unsure how long he was there or why etc.




  1. I feel bad saying this...but if he didn't ask for your number, he probably didn't feel the same way as you. You could try a people search, but without a last name it will be practically impossible. Next time you meet a s**y stranger -- ASK FOR HIS NUMBER! Carpe diem, sister!

  2. If you liked him so much, you should at least know his last name. Or at least got his phone number.

    There's about a bajillion Andy's in the majors and minors.

  3. Don't count on this guy as being truthful. He probably is feeding you a line of B.S.

  4. Seriously?

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