
I spent more than 30 min, looked word by word on my credit report and don't see any thing related to 401K.

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I spent more than 30 min, looked word by word on my credit report and don't see any thing related to 401K.




  1. i don't think 401k would be on a credit report.

  2. A credit report is a report based on your bills and how you pay, not on your assets.  A 401(k) plan is a financial asset and has no business being in a credit report.

  3. That's probably because you didn't sign up for one.

    401K doesn't just come from heaven you know.

    If you have questions about 401K and you think that your credit card company has that feature then you should call them and ask them.

  4. The 401(k) plan is a type of employer-sponsored defined contribution retirement plan under section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 401(k)) in the United States.

    A 401(k) plan allows a worker to save for retirement while deferring income taxes on the saved money and earnings until withdrawal. The employee elects to have a portion of his or her wage paid directly, or "deferred," into his or her 401(k) account. In participant-directed plans (the most common option), the employee can select from a number of investment options, usually an assortment of mutual funds that emphasize stocks, bonds, money market investments, or some mix of the above.

    Find out more about 401K: General Information

    Investors Business Daily

    Smart Money Retirement

    On-line Investor Guide

    American Association of Individual Investors

    Credit Report: A report containing a detailed credit history of an individual.

  5. A 401(k) doesn't involve credit. That's why it isn't on your credit report.

  6. People here are correct:  Nothing about your 401(k) should be on your credit report, which is about DEBT (or lack thereof).

    It's too bad we can't see the identities of those who vote a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down," because these idiots who just arbitrarily go through all the answers and give a "down" vote are a waste of time.

    Methinks some 14-year-old needs a new hobby.

  7. 401k won't show up on your credit report. Only debts such as credit cards, auto loans, mortgages, etc will. If you have a 401k you should receive a statement in the mail periodically or be able to order one from whoever manages it.

  8. You can't find your 401(k) on your credit report because there is nothing in your credit report about your 401(k).  There never will be.  Even if you took out a loan from the 401(k) and defaulted, it would be treated as an early withdraw, not a debt.  ONLY debts are reported on your credit report.

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