
I start 7th grade tomorrow and I'm so nervous to go back to school! How do I calm down?

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I do start 7th grade tomorrow and I'm so worried about it. How do I relax and calm myself down?




  1. I'm going to 7th grade too! try deep breathing. This may be hard but try not thinking about how nervous you are and think about how much fun you are going to have!

    Hope you have a great year!

  2. Alright. I've been there. Stay cool. Don't worry. Yes, it sounds obvious, but don't worry about it. You're just wasting time by worrying. You'll see when you get there that everything will be alright. I promise you that.

    I start Grade 9 next Tuesday.

  3. hey i posted a question (not really a question) that might help you feel a little better, here it is:;...

    it made ME feel a lot better, so it might help you a little too :)  please answer, hope it helps!

  4. Just get a good nights sleep(if you can) and don't worry about it.  Everything will be fine.  I promise.  I've been out of school for about 10 yrs now, but I remember the exitement, nervousness, and anxiety of the 1st day of school.  heck I still get that way and I'm going to college now.  (took a few yrs off ;)    

  5. You should get a good nights rest. Plan everything out tonight: your outfit, your bag, jewelry, schedule, all that jazz. I wish I could say that 7th grade isn't a hard year, but I'd be lying. Be prepared to find out who your true friends are this year because every one starts growing up this year. Also, make sure you don't forget anything at home tomorrow morning!

  6. Don't worry,everyone gets worried on their first day of school.

    Relax,you're friends will be there with you(Hopefully) just do your best in all your School Work.Don't get caught up in all the Middle School Drama.

    Good Luck,hope you do great in 7th Grade! =)

  7. Well your first day has came and gone already. Now doesnt that feel good.

    Im going into 3rd year on thursday. Thts different cus im from ireland.

                                       Im 14.

                                       Bet it didnt go as bad as you thought.

  8. eye like toast-u a freshman and imagine how i feel.ur gonna get a locker and switch classes now so dont worry if u cant open it the first few it took me half of a class period just to figure it out haha.u get like 5 min between classes and if u get lost,u get big deal.ur teachers will of luck=]

  9. relax and b urself

  10. Don't worry! Just stop thinking about it, and spend the rest of your summer having fun! not worrying!

    That's what I'm trying to do.. aha..

    And almost everyone else going back to school is going through this with you!!

    I'm going into the 8th grade.

    On september 2nd.

    Good luck.

  11. Ya, I get to answer before the hour's up! Anyway, I started the same day you did. So, how's it going now? I'm great; my teachers are awesome, my friends are all with me, and the kids that were rude last year are nice now, too. So, I'm doing AWESOME!

  12. i also start school tomarrow but im  going into eight last year i was so scared to start 7th i wouldnt even talk on the bus but when i got there it wa amazing! there is so much more kids your age and you get to have alot of teachers so your not stuck with one all year and if your that worried think about the freashmen in highschool! lol

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