
I start Clomid 100mg tomorow and im confused...?

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My doc says that clomid will dry me up down there and he told me not to use ky jelly or saliva to help. so i was just curious on how exactly its going to work because if I'm dry that will hurt really bad.

Also i was told that if we have oral before that it will kill the sperm even before he C u ms. Is that true?

Would it be bad if he was to do oral on me to make me wet?

What else can we use?

I'm also on progesterone 100mg will that help?

I am in germany with my husband who is stationed here. So my fertility specialist is german and i can't understand him to well. but i was referred to him by our insurance and hes supposed to be a great doc. so i don't want to change docs. my husband can understand him really well so he just tells me later what he said. but my husband couldn't go with me to my last appointment. So don't tell me to switch docs.

thank you!!!

What else can i do to help have our little baby?




  1. You are correct. Clomid *may* make it more dry.

    There is one lubricant called "Preseed" which is very sperm friendly compared to others.

  2. I would look into picking up some pre-seed - it is a sperm friendly lubricant that you can use in conjunction with your fertility treatments.

    Saliva and other lubricants can have a negative impact on sperm . . . so it would be best to not use them when trying to conceive.  

    As you will not be starting progesterone until after ovulation (I am assuming), it will not help with the dryness during intercourse.

    Hope this helps & loads of baby dust!

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